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Ackman: have documents showing Allergan misled

That is true. Pyott was listed in the top 5 and Pearson came in at #8.

Here is something that tells the depths of jealous desperation that Pershing Square and Valeant are trying to claw there way up from:

"Last week Allergan said that Harvard Business Review ranks Pyott as one of the world's top five CEOs, based on three quantitative metrics, but Ackman, who earned his undergraduate and business degrees from Harvard, said the journal had goofed on the math and that the hedge fund had asked for a correction." (from a Thomson Reuters article by Svea Herbst-Bayliss, 21 Oct.)

I had to read that over about five times to let it sink in. Because I couldn't believe that even Ackman could be that petty and grasping.

This sounds like typical Ackman. There's a vanity fair article (search ackman loeb bike ride) that will give more insight into Ackman's character.

There is no Market Watch Article that you speak of where VRX asks the forensic accountants from AGN to take the stand.. What a liar. Go back to the Valeant basement and ask your Mom for more Meatloaf.

For those that can't comprehend...

Pyott also overrode a member of his management team who raised concerns about spreading false and misleading information to drive down Valeant’s share price, according to the papers.

As part of its bid to discredit Valeant, Allergan questioned Valeant’s accounting, but backed down when asked to produce the expert it was using for its critique, the documents show.

“After baselessly trashing Valeant’s accounting for months… Allergan chose not to expose its alleged accounting expert to cross-examination in this litigation,” Ackman’s lawyers said.

I'm sure Jeff supports R&D, but was Gavin also for Pyott lying?
Some people have ethics.

This is just rich.. Ethics........ Like "Fatboy" and Hackman saying AGN had a golf course on the campus to show how much waste there was. Please. This is nothing more then VRX an PS getting caught with their pants down. All this talk about Pyott and lies is laughable whenever it comes from a VRX troll.

Hope all of you paid PS/VRX propaganda spreaders get Ebola.

How the eff would you know anything inside the anatomy of deal making about management disagreements and the like? The CFO of 20 years who was planning retirement suddenly got in a disagreement. Spare me. You're spreading axkmans bullshit.

Media (Forbes, SA), banks (Morgan Stanley), analysts (Bronte, Maris) etc all we're saying the same stuff. The spin manuever of making it look engineered versus legit is a cute "activist" approach but where there's smoke there's fire.

I think this is just a way of bullying Allergan. They are hoping that using this scare tactics, Allergan will not publish the forensic analysis on their Q3 earnings.

Oh please! The bully is Pyott and his team. This is all coming out now. Pyott has been lying to us for over two years about the whole thing.

Hope all of you paid PS/VRX propaganda spreaders get Ebola.

How the eff would you know anything inside the anatomy of deal making about management disagreements and the like? The CFO of 20 years who was planning retirement suddenly got in a disagreement. Spare me. You're spreading axkmans bullshit.

Media (Forbes, SA), banks (Morgan Stanley), analysts (Bronte, Maris) etc all we're saying the same stuff. The spin manuever of making it look engineered versus legit is a cute "activist" approach but where there's smoke there's fire.

Will Pyott and Co. ever win a single court case? You continue saying its all propaganda and the people dissenting are paid by Ackman and Pearson, etc. The reality is Allergan continues to lose case after case, suit after suit. Win just one, and then come talk, because right now the facts are not on your side.

Will Pyott and Co. ever win a single court case? You continue saying its all propaganda and the people dissenting are paid by Ackman and Pearson, etc. The reality is Allergan continues to lose case after case, suit after suit. Win just one, and then come talk, because right now the facts are not on your side.

I disagree

Um how is it possible that the bully is the one receiving the hostile "approach"

You obviously missed the "rest of the story" that pyott had been meeting with valeant for a year & a half prior to the takeover announcement. With a takeover pyott comes put way better in the deal, and so do upper management. We, the working people, do not. We get screwed in the rump.

Will Pyott and Co. ever win a single court case? You continue saying its all propaganda and the people dissenting are paid by Ackman and Pearson, etc. The reality is Allergan continues to lose case after case, suit after suit. Win just one, and then come talk, because right now the facts are not on your side.


There is a reason.

Pyott and buddies have not been forthcoming with us. Nothing but greedy bastards.

You obviously missed the "rest of the story" that pyott had been meeting with valeant for a year & a half prior to the takeover announcement. With a takeover pyott comes put way better in the deal, and so do upper management. We, the working people, do not. We get screwed in the rump.

Complete conjecture on your part. People, grow up. This is what we signed up for when we joined corporate America. Its is no different anywhere else. If we sell the people at the top make millions. If we don't the people at the top still make millions. Thats life!

Complete conjecture on your part. People, grow up. This is what we signed up for when we joined corporate America. Its is no different anywhere else. If we sell the people at the top make millions. If we don't the people at the top still make millions. Thats life!

Note: this was in response to someone's comment about who the "bully" is, suggesting Allergan/Pyott is just an innocent "never done anything" dude who has been wronged by Valeant.

Note: this was in response to someone's comment about who the "bully" is, suggesting Allergan/Pyott is just an innocent "never done anything" dude who has been wronged by Valeant.

So are you saying Valeant (run by the duo of Pearson and Ackman) is the mythical White Knight for the suffering Allergan employees?