ACell Management Qualifications - TB Especially

I think Joe can get by in an interview and land on his feet. Yes he’s annoying to work for, stiff, clueless, and dorky, but he can fool someone in a one hour sit down. The guy who’s in trouble is TB. He’s just a flat out dummy that repeats the same phrases he stole from other people and believes scarring people is the best way to motivate them. And he talks about everyone behind their backs even his supposed friends.

so true. Tony is a scumbag snake in the grass and Joe is trying to fake his way through life hoping no one notices. These two are bad managers and even worse people. That’s why everyone hated them through the years. Everyone.

so true. Tony is a scumbag snake in the grass and Joe is trying to fake his way through life hoping no one notices. These two are bad managers and even worse people. That’s why everyone hated them through the years. Everyone.

tou realize these two will find jobs better then you and you’ll be the idiot still posting. Worst reps ever:


heard he’s struggling at the new gig and already on a pip

The fact that he was made a manager with zero management or leadership qualities, JOKE
His lack of people skills and personality when working with team members or physicians, JOKE
Winning an award that he had NOTHING to do with and just lucky to land a great team in territories TB built, JOKE x 2
That he has puppy love conversations with wifey in front of colleagues, JOKE
That he purchased a gas guzzling Raptor because ACell pays for the gas, JOKE
I’ll stop there......

Don’t bother Joe, I’ll say it for you... “Who cares..”

We’ve all heard TB brag about firing the losers and laughing that they’re out there looking for a McJob. Then you have his underling, JS, who is too stupid to know the example TB sets is a bad one. JS joins him in these celebrations because these two guys believe they do it the “right way” and everyone else, including most other RM’s and AM’s are clueless. These two guys should have been right behind DD an escorted out. I’m sure Integra will have little use for these two once they open their mouths in a meeting. Tick,Tock, Tick,Tock.....

I agree, Joe’s on the street in that unemployment line he bragged about dumping people in. There’s no point is wasting time talking about the loser that he is. Just watch how long it takes him to get picked up or where he ends up. I guarantee he won’t be at a number 1 or 2 player where ever he lands. I’d love to see him in an interview, gosh that would be priceless.