Accu Reference NY/NJ Lab Owner Sentenced to 1 year and 1 Day in federal prison

It’s ok cupcake(urgy Boy) keep living in your land of make believe, everyone understands exactly what is being written. You could check all the spelling and grammar, it changes nothing. It makes this even more worthwhile, you will feel as if a ton of bricks have fallen on your head,
Waiting for your stupidity to continue.

You are finished, no more info needed on you, everything is signed, sealed, and delivered. What a pity, this was all your doing.

Remember, what comes around, goes around... old friend!!

Who are you calling basement boy? Is that the other guy posting?

You are so ignorant, blinded, and dumb.

Keep making fun, we will see you crying tiger tears soon enough.

It’s ok cupcake(urgy Boy) keep living in your land of make believe, everyone understands exactly what is being written. You could check all the spelling and grammar, it changes nothing. It makes this even more worthwhile, you will feel as if a ton of bricks have fallen on your head,
Waiting for your stupidity to continue.

You are finished, no more info needed on you, everything is signed, sealed, and delivered. What a pity, this was all your doing.

Remember, what comes around, goes around... old friend!!

Who are you calling basement boy? Is that the other guy posting?

You are so ignorant, blinded, and dumb.

Keep making fun, we will see you crying tiger tears soon enough.

Really, son? You were so impressed with yourself the first time you posted this boring and repetitive drivel that you decided to copy, paste and give it another whirl. You’re more interesting when you’re drunk on your mother’s zinfandel in a box. Why don’t you go sneak a cup of two of that awful pink swill and post something that’s more amusing. Because we do all know what is being written and by whom. Inappropriate bad jokes, in poor taste, from an aging and failed class clown. No one will ever take you seriously and no one ever thought you were funny. We are all laughing at you, not with you. Hope this helps,

Really, son? You were so impressed with yourself the first time you posted this boring and repetitive drivel that you decided to copy, paste and give it another whirl. You’re more interesting when you’re drunk on your mother’s zinfandel in a box. Why don’t you go sneak a cup of two of that awful pink swill and post something that’s more amusing. Because we do all know what is being written and by whom. Inappropriate bad jokes, in poor taste, from an aging and failed class clown. No one will ever take you seriously and no one ever thought you were funny. We are all laughing at you, not with you. Hope this helps,

Let’s face it, your not laughing at anyone. You’re concerned, very concerned. How could you not be?
Can you say attorney? I would think about it, probably a good investment. Make sure you tell them the absolute truth, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money.

This is a public service announcement.

Let’s face it, your not laughing at anyone. You’re concerned, very concerned. How could you not be?
Can you say attorney? I would think about it, probably a good investment. Make sure you tell them the absolute truth, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money.

This is a public service announcement.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer from a billboard ad, to assist with your workers comp claim, hardly makes you a legal expert son. Did you really think that Burger King was going to settle because a customer called you names and “triggered” the onset of your alleged chronic anxiety attacks? Now there was a case of someone telling the truth. Hope this helps.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer from a billboard ad, to assist with your workers comp claim, hardly makes you a legal expert son. Did you really think that Burger King was going to settle because a customer called you names and “triggered” the onset of your alleged chronic anxiety attacks? Now there was a case of someone telling the truth. Hope this helps.

Now I know you are nervous, personal injury attorney you racist piece of garbage. What who you call son.

Let me correct you, a criminal defense attorney is what you need cupcake. They would explain what needs to be done.

All this is really funny, why not ask around, how many of your former coworkers have been approached.
I guess when people get phone calls from agents it’s a joke. I would be worried, you were not approached, I would say that you are a target.

Btw, I have no anxiety, I am as calm and cool as can be.

Enjoy your day, fool!!!

He does realize he will need some type of legal representation to minimize the problem

What problem, son? The undefined problem that you keep claiming will be happening “real soon”? Spell it out nitwit or STFU already. There will always be people who are smarter and more successful than you. Let it go. There are probably even a few people that are smarter than me. But not many and definitely not you. Hope this helps.

What problem, son? The undefined problem that you keep claiming will be happening “real soon”? Spell it out nitwit or STFU already. There will always be people who are smarter and more successful than you. Let it go. There are probably even a few people that are smarter than me. But not many and definitely not you. Hope this helps.

“Smarter and more successful”

I guess that is what you think of yourself, only time will tell. But Your statement cannot be further from the truth. Isn’t that what this is all about? The truth. I think that you would not know the truth if a 50lb sack of blow were to fall from the sky!!!

Perhaps one day soon you will understand that your attitude, life style, and work life will greatly differ from now.

Get an attorney, 50k should do it ( to begin with)

“Smarter and more successful”

I guess that is what you think of yourself, only time will tell. But Your statement cannot be further from the truth. Isn’t that what this is all about? The truth. I think that you would not know the truth if a 50lb sack of blow were to fall from the sky!!!

Perhaps one day soon you will understand that your attitude, life style, and work life will greatly differ from now.

Get an attorney, 50k should do it ( to begin with)

Not sure that I can find a firm that specializes in imaginary crime drama, fabricated by jealous failures on anonymous internet message boards. Why you care how I view myself or how successful I am. You could win the lottery tomorrow or live in a garbage can and literally no one would notice. I give you the same amount of attention that I do any other tragic accident that I encounter. Ultimately, we all just gawk and feel grateful, momentarily, for the fact that we are not you, Hope this helps.

“Smarter and more successful”

I guess that is what you think of yourself, only time will tell. But Your statement cannot be further from the truth. Isn’t that what this is all about? The truth. I think that you would not know the truth if a 50lb sack of blow were to fall from the sky!!!

Perhaps one day soon you will understand that your attitude, life style, and work life will greatly differ from now.

Get an attorney, 50k should do it ( to begin with)

Criminals always think they are smarter then the law.
75000 would be a good start for a criminal defense attorney.
I word of advice




Criminals always think they are smarter then the law.
75000 would be a good start for a criminal defense attorney.
I word of advice




No one asked for your worthless advice and no one cares about your stupid opinions. So perhaps you should try to find someone to help with your criminal stupidity instead.

Not sure that I can find a firm that specializes in imaginary crime drama, fabricated by jealous failures on anonymous internet message boards. Why you care how I view myself or how successful I am. You could win the lottery tomorrow or live in a garbage can and literally no one would notice. I give you the same amount of attention that I do any other tragic accident that I encounter. Ultimately, we all just gawk and feel grateful, momentarily, for the fact that we are not you, Hope this helps.

Not imaginary, just tell the complete truth.

Keep replying with your crap, no problem.

But know this, the book report has been handed in, your grade has already been given. Let’s see what your counselor will do to mitigate your issues.

You know that little voice in your head? The one only you hear, listen to it, that is your better side telling you to get the help you so desperately need. That is the voice telling you right from wrong, unfortunately, you never paid attention to it, you really should listen now.

You’re in trouble. ( haha)

Not imaginary, just tell the complete truth.

Keep replying with your crap, no problem.

But know this, the book report has been handed in, your grade has already been given. Let’s see what your counselor will do to mitigate your issues.

You know that little voice in your head? The one only you hear, listen to it, that is your better side telling you to get the help you so desperately need. That is the voice telling you right from wrong, unfortunately, you never paid attention to it, you really should listen now.

You’re in trouble. ( haha)

Just inked another deal, the likes of which you would never understand. You should try being productive, just once, instead of torturing yourself about people for whom you have no influence over. Maybe try to invent the next designer specialty whopper. Put your ideas in the employee suggestion box. Anything is better than this. Hope this helps.

Just inked another deal, the likes of which you would never understand. You should try being productive, just once, instead of torturing yourself about people for whom you have no influence over. Maybe try to invent the next designer specialty whopper. Put your ideas in the employee suggestion box. Anything is better than this. Hope this helps.

“Just inked another deal” in the scheme of life, worthless. You need to come to terms with your actions, stop posting and seek advice.

Maybe you will understand the thought that was posted by the other gentleman, let me clear that thought up.

There’s a tiny voice inside yourself that whispers to you. Turn the volume up. Those are your instincts.
Learn to hear your own thoughts clearly.

Maybe you will hear your instincts if you have any.

Good luck, you will surely need it.

“Just inked another deal” in the scheme of life, worthless. You need to come to terms with your actions, stop posting and seek advice.

Maybe you will understand the thought that was posted by the other gentleman, let me clear that thought up.

There’s a tiny voice inside yourself that whispers to you. Turn the volume up. Those are your instincts.
Learn to hear your own thoughts clearly.

Maybe you will hear your instincts if you have any.

Good luck, you will surely need it.

When you hear those voices, talking to you inside your head. That’s a serious problem. Do they tell you to harm yourself? Do they tell you to harm others? Put a stat call into Dr Laura first thing in the morning. You need to be the first caller of the day. Hope this helps.

“Just inked another deal” in the scheme of life, worthless. You need to come to terms with your actions, stop posting and seek advice.

Maybe you will understand the thought that was posted by the other gentleman, let me clear that thought up.

There’s a tiny voice inside yourself that whispers to you. Turn the volume up. Those are your instincts.
Learn to hear your own thoughts clearly.

Maybe you will hear your instincts if you have any.

Good luck, you will surely need it.

Uhm what? Seek help quickly!

Uhm, you need too get help quickly!!!

It is very obvious that none of you have something inside telling you Right from wrong.
If you had something from within guiding you, the position that y’all have placed yourself in would be different.
Now I know that you will continue too lie about everything.

Oh, hello Ferrari Man. Old friend

Uhm what? Seek help quickly!

The voice from within, probably better known as you're conscious. I guess many of you are void of this. If you had a conscious your position would be different.

I will say it one more time. A decent law firm will take a 50k retainer, 75k gives you a little breathing room. This way you won't need another check cut right away.

No joke, stop acting as if it is.

There are a few who will really get their balls twisted.