It’s ok cupcake(urgy Boy) keep living in your land of make believe, everyone understands exactly what is being written. You could check all the spelling and grammar, it changes nothing. It makes this even more worthwhile, you will feel as if a ton of bricks have fallen on your head,
Waiting for your stupidity to continue.
You are finished, no more info needed on you, everything is signed, sealed, and delivered. What a pity, this was all your doing.
Remember, what comes around, goes around... old friend!!
Who are you calling basement boy? Is that the other guy posting?
You are so ignorant, blinded, and dumb.
Keep making fun, we will see you crying tiger tears soon enough.
Waiting for your stupidity to continue.
You are finished, no more info needed on you, everything is signed, sealed, and delivered. What a pity, this was all your doing.
Remember, what comes around, goes around... old friend!!
Who are you calling basement boy? Is that the other guy posting?
You are so ignorant, blinded, and dumb.
Keep making fun, we will see you crying tiger tears soon enough.