Accu Reference NY/NJ Lab Owner Sentenced to 1 year and 1 Day in federal prison

If I were to accept your false premise, then yes, I’m sure it would be helpful. Basic communication skills are typically required for employment. You might have found one of the few exceptions at Burger King though. You only need to tap on the picture of a sandwich to place a customer’s order these days, correct? You should hang on to that job, son. You would find the rest of the market to be very challenging. Hope this helps.

Only a complete fool would make a incompetent statement.The problem you have is that you will not accept defeat today. Mr.Cohen( Pres. Trumps attorney) today checked into his new home in Orange County.He too was convinced they had nothing. I guess he was wrong with his intelligence. People without knowledge think like him.When you have unlimited TIME,Energy and Resources you would be much more serious with your thought process.Many have gone dark and it is smart but it does not change the past.When you go back and read you would see everything was there. You say to yourself why? The answer is there also. Hope this helps

Don't argue with the fool, or the dummy who says ”false premise.” He is well aware of everything. Spoken about it in text, phone, email, His DNA and prints are all over this.
He is unhinged, his BK crap is his way of making all this sound silly.
Don't worry, he is twisting, and really hurting inside, and he deserves it.
He does not have a chance of survival,
The guy has lost already, no question. Very sloppy and many loose ends, sorry kid, I win!!!!!!!

Little man knows the JACKPOT he will be dealing with. Sales director? I think he is to naive. The law does not discriminate.This is the highest level of authority. The rest of the new additions have similar problems. Enjoy your day

Little man knows the JACKPOT he will be dealing with. Sales director? I think he is to naive. The law does not discriminate.This is the highest level of authority. The rest of the new additions have similar problems. Enjoy your day

The highest level of authority? This might be the highest you’ve ever been. How did you get so f-cked up, son. Tide Pods and paint thinner again? Go get an employee discount meal at Burger King and then sleep this thing off before your next shift. And don’t worry, Quest Diagnostics can’t urine test you for those substances. Hope this helps.

It could not effect a bunch of nicer people!

Oh brother. The word “affect” is almost always a verb and “effect” is usually a noun. There are deviations from this, but when in doubt, stick to the rule. If you need help remembering, think of this.

Your stupidity affects us all and the effect of your stupidity cannot be calculated.

Hope this helps,

Oh brother. The endless stream of nonsense continues on all the Quest Threads, by the same attention seeking, subterranean, miscreant. “Be worried”, “Questions are being asked”, “someday, someone will tell the truth”, blah, blah, blah. This must be quite an “investigation”, son. The Mueller Report was finished in a fraction of this time. Why not find something new to obsess about. Perhaps you can go after the source of your HSV 1&2 infection. It least you can loosely tie that narrative to the lab, since we no doubt diagnosed you. Plus, there are a least some hard crusty facts to back up that injustice. Hope this helps.

You go take accounts from Quest and the service or sales rep gets in trouble because of your selfish actions.That does not cause harm????????? Wake up you fool.You know the TRUTH stop living a LIE.

My God. Perhaps if Quest reps weren't sitting on their collective asses, and actually knocked on some doors, they wouldn't be hurt by reps taking their accounts. Everyone knows Quest reps are the laziest reps in the industry.

Hope this helps......LMAO

Not true.
They are never trained or rewarded properly for the efforts.
Experienced sales people are what is required for the job
We buy HMO contracts and expect miracles from entry level sales people

Not true.
They are never trained or rewarded properly for the efforts.
Experienced sales people are what is required for the job
We buy HMO contracts and expect miracles from entry level sales people

Name one HMO contract that was “bought” by any provider of services and try to explain, even in the vaguest of terms, how that “sale” transpired. Or, shut your pie hole, son. You have no clue about this subject. Stick with what you know. Tell us when the Italian Chicken sandwich will be back on the menu at Burger King. Hope this helps.

So many people everyday going to jail for such small crimes. These individuals have stolen from federal and state coffers. Yes it is easy to do, but when you get caught? Wow.
This administration is looking to out every white collar criminal.
No easy way out of this predicament.
I also know that the little guy is trying very hard too be invisible. Everyone knows he has been working for his new venture, even before leaving Quest.
The little guy has also been upset about leaks, he needs everyone to keep quiet.

So, everyone better keep quiet!!!
Or The Little, little soldier might get mad at you.
LOL, The little criminal, how sweet it is!!!!