Accu Reference NY/NJ Lab Owner Sentenced to 1 year and 1 Day in federal prison

Of course he is working behind the scenes.

Kevin and Cathy certainly are not running the show. Steve is the Sales director going into all his old accounts. Etya Espisito is certainly trying. Andy K would have never left without the guy who "changed his life."

I am sure given your training and your career as a Federal Agent, you have taken all your data and have formed a plan.

Remember, you ex VP "The Little Guy" is smart and shifty in some respects. On the other hand, he thinks he is more intelligent than most, however his anger and desire to cheat the system will be his downfall.

Keep it up QUEST, you are on the right track , but more must be done. However, more must be done, continue with your work.

Of course he is working behind the scenes.

Kevin and Cathy certainly are not running the show. Steve is the Sales director going into all his old accounts. Etya Espisito is certainly trying. Andy K would have never left without the guy who "changed his life."

I am sure given your training and your career as a Federal Agent, you have taken all your data and have formed a plan.

Remember, you ex VP "The Little Guy" is smart and shifty in some respects. On the other hand, he thinks he is more intelligent than most, however his anger and desire to cheat the system will be his downfall.

Keep it up QUEST, you are on the right track , but more must be done. Continue with your work.

Quest, stay very close to the little guy and Steve. They are both all over their former Quest accounts. While the formwr Ex Vp, may be in the backround, he is very much setting up this company and speaking with his former accounts.
Put every control in place to keep them out of your accounts.
I am sure you are aware of this by tour actions.

The little guy might be feeling a little desperate, maybe not going as smoothly as he would like. Maybe Quest is putting a little more effort then he thought.

All good, the truth will come out. Hopefully Quest does the right thing to protect this house!!!

I just want the little guy to get upset and cry.

Marriage problems can lead to stress

Stress can lead to high blood pressure

High blood pressure can clog the arteries

Clogged arteries can lead to a stroke.

Enjoy the weekend, Karma

Terrible right? Look in a mirror,

You admired me? Aww, so nice thank you.

I always thought you were a follower, someone who had to attach themself to others. You are a loser. When your lab is closed, what are you going to do?


Little man has a plan. You must understand that he is a smart guy who has everything covered. At least that is what he thinks.All good sales people have an action plan. We cannot forget how he became an executive at Fresenius and Quest? He was the only individual qualified to do the task at the time.He was the best and most honest sales individual at Shiel/Fresenius/Quest. The mastermind though he was the answer. He also found out the hard way that was not a smart move..He is honoring his non-employment agreement and is making sure SM is being compliant on all new sales while he is waiting.They will never get in trouble and the lab will be doing incredible. He has his worshippers that will never turn their back on him. I assume that they would even go as far as to lie for the little man. Why would they not? He does promise them the income they need.

I am quite sure that there will be many questions. All of which the answers are documented. Look, you could spin this all you want, nothing positive comes from it.
As far as Quest, they have been trying to defend the fort. I hope they use the power of the law and courts.

The little guy... well, he doesn't get mad, he gets even!! I learned that concept from him. Thank you for teaching me that lesson, wish I could have known that years before. I guess never to late.

The director of sales along with the little man are a tag team that will never get defeated. The strength and determination will make this team a winner for a very long time. You will see a year from now how they were able to get access to many HMO contracts as well as giving the lab a professional image. You can tell by the growth that is currently taking place in Orange and Putnam counties. They have been successful wherever they went. This will be no different.

Hope this Helps

SunnySide Queens Blvd.


Medical building on the corner 49th street

Send a Quest employee and you will discover

The same story as Sherman. Manny represents the current employees. Deb at Accu-Reference represents the ex Quest employees who left 4 months ago!