ACCS Comp Plan

The mere fact you consider Mike Ball a great CEO tells me your standard for greatness is set very low. Bob Lyman has been a stellar employee for many years. I think there maybe more to this than it seems.

On that point, realize that Mike Ball was hand picked by Chris Begley. He gave him an $12 million signing bonus so he would take this train wreak and say nice things about Begley as he quickly left town with his loot. Ball also never had any CEO experience.

In a few mos. it won't matter to ACCS anyway. We're toast once generic Dex hits.
Dyloject?????? Not the savior. Ball,, has no clue on what or how the
proprietary drug business works and neither does our management. It's the blind leading the blind. Belly was an opportunist and a complete nit wit who was in the right place at the right time. He rode the company into the ground and walked away with his fortune; the typical US CEO. Ball will do the same.

I think Mike is doing a fantastic job considering what was already on the table when he took over He wouldn't be making the salary he does if he didn't know how to fix this pre existing problem Regardless of any missed bonus lost he still killed it in the $ department
So what does that tell you It tells you this he is exceeding target for projections established at date of hire and has Gov't Regulators in check

"Mike has no proprietary product experience and doesn't know what he's doing."
Yeah, right. Have you ever heard of the proprietary product called Botox? I think Botox has a massed a little bit (A LOT) more sales than a secondary drug to propofol called Precedex. Don't be offended that Mike said Precedex isn't a part of Hospira's core focus. It isnt and thankfully it isnt because its about to be off patent. That said Precedex has kept Hospira a float these past five years so thank you.

"Mike has no proprietary product experience and doesn't know what he's doing."
Yeah, right. Have you ever heard of the proprietary product called Botox? I think Botox has a massed a little bit (A LOT) more sales than a secondary drug to propofol called Precedex. Don't be offended that Mike said Precedex isn't a part of Hospira's core focus. It isnt and thankfully it isnt because its about to be off patent. That said Precedex has kept Hospira a float these past five years so thank you.

Yup, off patent soon and we are about to see if this pig called HSP can fly.

Duh yep lets see if this WUSS BOY /IT GUY can get a job instead of bumming on cp. for last 3 years what a moron you are IT was outsourced and you were canned get over it cry baby
waaahhhh wahhhhhhh mike ball wahhhhhh wahhhhhh India wahhhhh wahhhhh FDA
you are laughable I pity your sorry ass no life no job no woman no balls no brain

"Mike has no proprietary product experience and doesn't know what he's doing."
Yeah, right. Have you ever heard of the proprietary product called Botox? I think Botox has a massed a little bit (A LOT) more sales than a secondary drug to propofol called Precedex. Don't be offended that Mike said Precedex isn't a part of Hospira's core focus. It isnt and thankfully it isnt because its about to be off patent. That said Precedex has kept Hospira a float these past five years so thank you.

Ok, Mike, you're a hero. Botox sold itself. All the wrinkled old ladies and over the hill entertainers made it a success. You had absolutely NO influence on the success of Dex.
It is all over for ACCS? Dex will be added to our generic catalogue and fade into the sunset.
Keep hiring consultants(your cronies) and more VP's, ( more cronies), fatten your retirement by a few more mil, and leave when the time is right.

Wow, using your great philosophy, Precedex reps did not sell anything either. Precedex sold itself once there was a propofol shortage. Of course you will disagree with this statement though because you want to take credit for the sales growth of Precedex. Okay, we will let you. Pat on the back for you. Great job Precedex rep. You are amazing and Mike Ball is nothing. You know so much more about execution and selling than Mike Ball, great job again Precedex rep.

Wow, using your great philosophy, Precedex reps did not sell anything either. Precedex sold itself once there was a propofol shortage. Of course you will disagree with this statement though because you want to take credit for the sales growth of Precedex. Okay, we will let you. Pat on the back for you. Great job Precedex rep. You are amazing and Mike Ball is nothing. You know so much more about execution and selling than Mike Ball, great job again Precedex rep.

Thank you ver much.

With the latest 6 mos plan, it's obviously over by June. Luckily I've been double-dipping since March 1. What are Dennis and the muppets going to do?? So long ,Dave, hope those vitamins sell well! Kevin, enjoy your retirement. Kelly, good luck to you, you've been an inspiration to us all! Tom, put on some socks, and raise your never empty glass and toast one else will!
It has been a great run with Dex, too bad it couldn't last longer or we couldmn't find another loser and make it a success.

With the latest 6 mos plan, it's obviously over by June. Luckily I've been double-dipping since March 1. What are Dennis and the muppets going to do?? So long ,Dave, hope those vitamins sell well! Kevin, enjoy your retirement. Kelly, good luck to you, you've been an inspiration to us all! Tom, put on some socks, and raise your never empty glass and toast one else will!
It has been a great run with Dex, too bad it couldn't last longer or we couldmn't find another loser and make it a success.

Sounds like you are jealous of successful individuals.
At least your learning how to effectively use this board.
It won't work on the company as a whole, as your sources and level of knowledge
are weak at best. BUT, specific regions bashed get attention drawn. Iam bored with you Mr Wuss.