
What's happening at NSM?

I can't wait to hear about this dumb rebate program. We will skate the thin lines of anti kickback once again. Buy balloons now and if you reach a certain volume, you will get "rebate" doc. Of course, you will never see it, cause we roll it into the price of your next large order at the end of the quarter when I need it most. total scam. We are all dying.

MDT and Entellus are taking over the balloon market!!! Acclarent will soon be in third place.

Yes entellus has proven to be a strong competitor. However, there is no way in hell MDT will ever take over the market, or even take a significant percentage. First and foremost, MDT is trying to compete against companies that specialize in balloon dialtion. I don't take my car to Sears Auto Center to have my transmission fixed. The MDT reps are complete idiots when it comes to balloon dilation. Their entire protocall is based on what they have been able to copy from Acclarent and Entellus. The MDT balloon is also a joke. Regardless of navigation, does MDT really think that it's design can produce a high success rate? If NASA were to attach a rocket and navigation to a Red Wood, would MDT call this a space ship? Yes I understand that MDT will take some space in the OR ... blah blah blah, but the office is where the real business is. MDT thinks they will squeak their way into this market with competitive pricing and the possibility of placing a navigation unit based on volume. What MDT doesn't realize is that most high volume office physians think that navigation for balloons is a joke. And if we enter some sort of alternate universe where navigation does become popular, Acclarent and Entellus will simply add navigation to their balloons.

Yes entellus has proven to be a strong competitor. However, there is no way in hell MDT will ever take over the market, or even take a significant percentage. First and foremost, MDT is trying to compete against companies that specialize in balloon dialtion. I don't take my car to Sears Auto Center to have my transmission fixed. The MDT reps are complete idiots when it comes to balloon dilation. Their entire protocall is based on what they have been able to copy from Acclarent and Entellus. The MDT balloon is also a joke. Regardless of navigation, does MDT really think that it's design can produce a high success rate? If NASA were to attach a rocket and navigation to a Red Wood, would MDT call this a space ship? Yes I understand that MDT will take some space in the OR ... blah blah blah, but the office is where the real business is. MDT thinks they will squeak their way into this market with competitive pricing and the possibility of placing a navigation unit based on volume. What MDT doesn't realize is that most high volume office physians think that navigation for balloons is a joke. And if we enter some sort of alternate universe where navigation does become popular, Acclarent and Entellus will simply add navigation to their balloons.

Acclarent will do nothing. They have resigned themselves to a skeleton sales force of poor performers who will accept little to no pay. Furthermore, J&J has done nothing to foster the business portfolio. I vaguely remember a promise by one rather large business unit president that Acclarent would be the preeminent ENT company. Well, after eating tray full after tray full of In And Out Burgers that never materialized. I left years ago and joined what is quickly becoming that innovator.

Acclarent will do nothing. They have resigned themselves to a skeleton sales force of poor performers who will accept little to no pay. Furthermore, J&J has done nothing to foster the business portfolio. I vaguely remember a promise by one rather large business unit president that Acclarent would be the preeminent ENT company. Well, after eating tray full after tray full of In And Out Burgers that never materialized. I left years ago and joined what is quickly becoming that innovator.

She eats way too many burgers.

Ther's a lot of that around the company. Always has been.

What a wonderful place to work a bunch of married employees cheating on their spouses with other co-workers. And it's well known throughout the company, and proudly exhibited. Their spouses will get rewarded very rightfully and justfully so. In the meantime keep cheating and will all see where the chips fall in the future. Go team go keep going forward!