
What a crap company. I called one of own veteran reps who is making over $300k/year from flipping his ENT's over to a compounding pharmacy he was working on the side for years. I replied to the job posting on this site. Waiting to hear back. Done with having my destiny controlled by losers.
I know of 12 people that Acclarent kept are still selling compounding !!!

Hopkins? No talent? What about his gift for being so succinct that no questions were asked this morning? Was that silence as deafening as I thought it was? I for one am thrilled that our customer base will not only not see a drop off in their service component, but that they will also find it worthwhile to help the company increase revenues, because no drop off in customer service will be felt.

Let's see, and to all of those on the call this morning who will be starting your bounteous Christmas celebration early, thanks for your professionalism and living a "Credo-Worthy" life to improve lives for patients, deliver the highest quality technology and pad the GMB pockets on the way out. We all know that they have done all humanly possible to make the Acclarent exodus a pain-free experience.

I can't wait for the next conference call to be instructed as to how I can reapply for the wonderful opportunity to interview for a lesser job. I have news for you Jeff this will be a bigger disaster than everything Bridget did.

If only I could be on the next "Go Forward Team" conference call. Maybe someone can share the call in information. That will definitely be entertaining. JH can tell the lucky hangers on that they are the cream that rose to the crop and good riddance to we "has beens". It'll be a challenge finding a new gig. In the long run it might be worth a little insecurity and unknown to be done with the likes of BR, MS, JH and RL. (by the way, how does the Memphis wonder still keep his head? I wonder?????)

What a bullshit company. I called one of own veteran reps who is making over $300k/year from flipping his ENT's over to a compounding pharmacy he was working on the side for years. I replied to the job posting on this site. Waiting to hear back. F$&@ it. Done with having my destiny controlled by losers.

every rep in the greater georgia area is doing exactly this. jumped ship when they caught wind that competition was heating up. they had been selling against ghosts for yrs and yrs. look out robbie, you are next. or maybe you are part of the compounding game plan. got to keep someone in the ears of the ents. your days are numbered my friend.

Hopkins? No talent? What about his gift for being so succinct that no questions were asked this morning? Was that silence as deafening as I thought it was? I for one am thrilled that our customer base will not only not see a drop off in their service component, but that they will also find it worthwhile to help the company increase revenues, because no drop off in customer service will be felt.

Let's see, and to all of those on the call this morning who will be starting your bounteous Christmas celebration early, thanks for your professionalism and living a "Credo-Worthy" life to improve lives for patients, deliver the highest quality technology and pad the GMB pockets on the way out. We all know that they have done all humanly possible to make the Acclarent exodus a pain-free experience.

Sales can be flat and this company's bottom line will still grow because we are cutting expenses by not overpaying the sales people that built this business and getting rid of some useless inside folks. its all about the bottom line. Share price will be safe. bye bye sales d bags!!

I was feeling a bit sheepish about hiding behind the anonymous nature of my post, but being lumped in to the "sales d bag" category by the classless author of this post reflects poorly on some decent management team members that are still hanging on or trying to salvage their jobs over the next few days. If, my classless friend, you have forgotten, when you point that sleazy index finger at us/me, you have four more pointing right back at the real "d-bag". May you find happiness when you finally realize that fear and management by intimidation aren't the path to true success and respect.