Accelerate NSM

Ya, that was a really bad keynote speaker. Did we not research her and check out some of her past presentations. Free form word association is a polite way to describe it IMO. It was really bad. Worst BY FAR out of any I've experienced in my 24 years in this industry. I still don't know what that even was. Just 42 minutes of her talking about fragmented experiences in her life. Not ever even once relating it to goal achievement, task completion, detail orientation, team work or anything relevant to the business world, inspiration or anything. Heck, if you have nothing to extrapolate to achieving something or inspiring others at least the unrelated stories could have been engaging or hell I'd even settle for it at least being in chronological order of her life. But it was none of that. Just random streams of consciousness that never intersected with anything. It had no purpose. Ohhhhhh. Hang on! Now I think I get it! It was a representation of what Alkermes is like. Just doing new random things we are told to do that make no sense with no greater purpose and then changing the way we do those random things every couple of months until we get another new leadership team. I get it now.
Don't want to but I have to agree.

Wow, just received my Accelerate commitment card. I can’t wait to fill it out and share with my manager what marvelous things I have planned. My only concern is finding the time to get it filled out while I am struggling with COVID-19 access issues and allotting all my spare moments to DIB and Yammer. Life @ Alkermes is looking more like big pharma every day.

Ya, that was a really bad keynote speaker. Did we not research her and check out some of her past presentations. Free form word association is a polite way to describe it IMO. It was really bad. Worst BY FAR out of any I've experienced in my 24 years in this industry. I still don't know what that even was. Just 42 minutes of her talking about fragmented experiences in her life. Not ever even once relating it to goal achievement, task completion, detail orientation, team work or anything relevant to the business world, inspiration or anything. Heck, if you have nothing to extrapolate to achieving something or inspiring others at least the unrelated stories could have been engaging or hell I'd even settle for it at least being in chronological order of her life. But it was none of that. Just random streams of consciousness that never intersected with anything. It had no purpose. Ohhhhhh. Hang on! Now I think I get it! It was a representation of what Alkermes is like. Just doing new random things we are told to do that make no sense with no greater purpose and then changing the way we do those random things every couple of months until we get another new leadership team. I get it now.
Agree!!! Worst keynote EVER!