ACC Mystery Product Question

Dyloject training modules to be sent 12/24 and completed by 1/9/15.
Expected FDA approval early fourth quarter and launch by February.
I have been doing a pre-launch of my own with some AN's and am getting some very positive feedback. Price always comes up.....priced right it will sell wrong it will not be added to any formularies as most are on 0 increase with drug costs.

Hope you're listening marketing and Dennis. Screw this up and we are definitely in deep shit with no boots.

You will be lucky to see that product to 4th quarter 2015 and price is the only issue right now in hospitals.

In regards to a mystery product, I have seen the new pump. Still kinda underwraps. It's actually pretty cool. Now I hope they execute it correctly.

Pretty Cool ? You didn't see any pump and know nothing and are posing again ! A pump is a pump What could possibly be new on a pump Idiot that's not already on market
already NOTHING !!!!!


I am interviewing for an ACC position, and I have a question about future products. I hear rumors that there is some potential secret-squirrel product launch on the horizon for Hospira. Not Dyloject, its something in addition that would launchin 2013 or 2014, best I can tell... I have come across a few possible candidates in my research, but who knows if I am on the right track or not... Can anyone shed any light on this mystery product? Thanks in advance!

Tom here, You couldn't pull your tricks after was implemented
Did you ever get your back pay you fought so hard for Mr Wuss
Your old territory growth for the past 4 years since we terminated you increased 29%
Philadelphia/S.Jersey all talk about what a pompous ass you were and looking here
I see you haven't changed a bit

Tom here, You couldn't pull your tricks after was implemented
Did you ever get your back pay you fought so hard for Mr Wuss
Your old territory growth for the past 4 years since we terminated you increased 29%
Philadelphia/S.Jersey all talk about what a pompous ass you were and looking here
I see you haven't changed a bit

No shit Really

hr guy

Get a life you loser. Not surprised you were/are a typical shit-for-brains HR lackey.
Bogus post or not, the responses are valid. Hospira utilizes the "mushroom theory", i.e keep everyone in the dark and feed them a lot of horse manure.

I doubt any vacant positions will be filled...just absorbed. Once generic, a product will hold maybe 50% of its market share for 6 mos. After that it's anyone's guess....all based on the price of the product, its position on the contracts,hospital/insurance formularies, etc.
The pre-fill will retain many customers, providing there isn't a premium price for it. ACC will undoubtedly keep all or most of the reps thru Dec. Then, based on how much generic erosion takes place for Precedex, you will definitely see an adjustment in numbers.

You HR morons simply take orders from upper mgmnt. You do what you are told to keep the company out of lawsuits. You distort truth, aka. LIE, to screw individuals. You know nothing but what you are told. Please, disappear from CP; you and your posts are very annoying.

Sales Management Guy

You bitched about the blue sheets and what did it get you, a V Look and no bonus
I'll tell you what.... you good for nothing, third rate reps are finally going to get the boot !
That PRIUS is starting to look REAL GOOD isn't it ? Get your ass a bus pass or a mountain bike When it all goes down in 2015 this board won't help Just ask the other displaced losers on here
Trolling CP in limbo dazed and confused If you're still employed here get them reports done


Kookie Goebbels Mires has a gold plated resume but is insufferably pompass and arrogant towards employees which only helps acidify the 'Swamp'. SLT are you listening? Hello? I can only assume you don't address this because you plan is to sell this rotten ship.

Mulgrave grunt, When Big Tony said jump, you said HOW HIGH TONY
When Big Tony said NO to UNIONS DEMANDS you were already fired ! Until Mulgrave is shut down, you grunts will work harder, for LESS !
No press release or union can save your jobs
YOU were fired long ago r*****, so you're a mute point on here like wuss boy !

Hr Guy