Abbvie Teaching Critical Race Theory and Its Mandatory

What the h@ll does this this even say? What is the point. This is the problem with movements like BLM and CRT. Lots of words with no logical meaning....

That’s a metaphor suggesting “look out white people” you are going to be “eaten” by the diverse panel of “intellectuals” whose primary objective is to so severely over correct via overtly discriminating against people they blatantly detest. Speak freely and courageously and stop with the passive aggressive language. It’s OK to say that you hate white people. At least you’d earn far more respect by admitting such sentiments

That’s a metaphor suggesting “look out white people” you are going to be “eaten” by the diverse panel of “intellectuals” whose primary objective is to so severely over correct via overtly discriminating against people they blatantly detest. Speak freely and courageously and stop with the passive aggressive language. It’s OK to say that you hate white people. At least you’d earn far more respect by admitting such sentiments

You people don’t have to say you hate POC. You show it by who you hire. All White Male hiring panels need to be against the law.

Small? Horseshit. That is another fucking excuse. There is a lot of talent out there - raw talent. Managers continue to hire Sally Pinkpanties with 7 years of experience in Farktard. Sally is easy to hire, easy to train and picks up the role quickly. Easy Sally is not what we need.

How did they find Sally? Probably the same comfortable process they know. And that is the problem. You have to be different to hire differently.

Its a cycle that has to be unmade.

Thank you for making my point...
1. You are an ignorant, racist, misogynist, idiot. I think the post above shows that..
2. It's not enough for mgmt to consider POCs, we now have to LOOK for them, as if they can't find jobs themselves (how backward is that?)

Thank you for making my point...
1. You are an ignorant, racist, misogynist, idiot. I think the post above shows that..
2. It's not enough for mgmt to consider POCs, we now have to LOOK for them, as if they can't find jobs themselves (how backward is that?)

POC will remember all your tricks and deeds when Little Bob is interviewing. Can’t stop numbers with The Browning of America.

Thank you for making my point...
1. You are an ignorant, racist, misogynist, idiot. I think the post above shows that..
2. It's not enough for mgmt to consider POCs, we now have to LOOK for them, as if they can't find jobs themselves (how backward is that?)

I bet you struggle with a lot of things, including bias and sarcasm.

Yes, you have to purposely look at different talent pools. Passive talent assessment gathers one unique palette - white. Do POC feel that pharma has a place for them in sales, marketing, finance or operations? I don't know, but those currently being passed through to interview are more white folks.

White folks interviewing white folks feels comfortable and comforting to some. To a growing saavy contingent, this is indicative of systemic racism.

The process which relies on this type of observational and confirmation bias must be disrupted. If not, all these fucking webinars are just a sham and a shame.

I wish you luck on your journey of self-discovery.

If you aren’t at the table, you’re on the menu. True Diversity Integration is the sharing of Power, Resources, and Responsibilities. A rep in the field has No power to create change. What POC are demanding is Actionable Change. Mexicans, Asians, Blacks, Chinese, and Natives stand overwhelmingly United. And Corporate America is responding with Money and a commitment to Action. Millennials aren’t about just rhetoric and talk and know BS when they see. All White Male Hiring Panels should have ended Decades ago and deemed illegal. But, Follow the money. I’m excited for the future Browning of America.

I love that you first assume that "white males" are the only racist people in the world. I truly hope and believe that people don't base a decision on a persons race or gender but by you saying that all issues should be judged by a persons race is just plain stupid. So according to your logic if you need to find the best- doctor, lawyer, accountant, car mechanic look at the color of someone's skin not their experience and ability? How do you not see that is as racist as someone not going to a POC because of their race?
I am just tired of hearing about how I should feel, think and act from people that do not care about anyone but themselves or their cause.

I bet you struggle with a lot of things, including bias and sarcasm.

Yes, you have to purposely look at different talent pools. Passive talent assessment gathers one unique palette - white. Do POC feel that pharma has a place for them in sales, marketing, finance or operations? I don't know, but those currently being passed through to interview are more white folks.

White folks interviewing white folks feels comfortable and comforting to some. To a growing saavy contingent, this is indicative of systemic racism.

The process which relies on this type of observational and confirmation bias must be disrupted. If not, all these fucking webinars are just a sham and a shame.

I wish you luck on your journey of self-discovery.
Careful, your bias is showing. On this we can agree, confirmation bias is real. As for systemic racism and CRT, these are red herrings designed for political purposes. In fact I feel it obfuscates deeper issues in minority communities. Until these communities get past victimhood there’ll be no real progress.

That’s a metaphor suggesting “look out white people” you are going to be “eaten” by the diverse panel of “intellectuals” whose primary objective is to so severely over correct via overtly discriminating against people they blatantly detest. Speak freely and courageously and stop with the passive aggressive language. It’s OK to say that you hate white people. At least you’d earn far more respect by admitting such sentiments
I love my white privilege....
Grew up in a lower income family in the midwest, graduated from a very diverse high school in Omaha, joined the military for the G.I. Bill and got educated.
My white privilege was earned no inherited. I have no guilt...what I did the buffoons in BLM can do. By working hard I am retiring wealthy...

I love my white privilege....
Grew up in a lower income family in the midwest, graduated from a very diverse high school in Omaha, joined the military for the G.I. Bill and got educated.
My white privilege was earned no inherited. I have no guilt...what I did the buffoons in BLM can do. By working hard I am retiring wealthy...


I love my white privilege....
Grew up in a lower income family in the midwest, graduated from a very diverse high school in Omaha, join
ed the military for the G.I. Bill and got educated.
My white privilege was earned no inherited. I have no guilt...what I did the buffoons in BLM can do. By working hard I am retiring wealthy...

Your example has nothing to do with white privilege. You haven't learned a thing.

I love my white privilege....
Grew up in a lower income family in the midwest, graduated from a very diverse high school in Omaha, joined the military for the G.I. Bill and got educated.
My white privilege was earned no inherited. I have no guilt...what I did the buffoons in BLM can do. By working hard I am retiring wealthy...

Must be nice. My people were denied the GI Bill after serving in WW2. I wonder how that affected generational wealth.

Your example has nothing to do with white privilege. You haven't learned a thing.

You want people to accept this fairytale that these men who got killed in police scuffles weren’t breaking the law or seriously resisting arrest when they were.
you were never a slave, I was never a slave owner. It’s reverse discrimination and another handout out at the expense of people who work hard, play by the rules, and don’t make excuses.