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AbbVie Stock Price Starting to Suck


Looks like Wallstreet not too thrilled already with AbbVie. Wonder what the company plans to do in the short term to improve their earning? WORKFORCE REDUCTIONS!!!!!


What a knucklehead, ABBV has only been on the market for two days. I hope you gave your marraige more of a chance!

I don't see our employer giving us a chance to get up to speed so why should we give them a chance to perform? If it doesn't work right this minute dump it. What's good for the goose. What a load of crap.

All stocks are a bit shaky right now. There was the fear of the Fiscal Cliff. Now there is a new even scarier Fiscal Cliff in March. The new jobs reports are flat which is not good considering Christmas usually see an increase in hiring at least temporary workers. So don't take it personally yet- the whole market is scared.

All stocks are a bit shaky right now. There was the fear of the Fiscal Cliff. Now there is a new even scarier Fiscal Cliff in March. The new jobs reports are flat which is not good considering Christmas usually see an increase in hiring at least temporary workers. So don't take it personally yet- the whole market is scared.

And Abbvie will have to prove it's more than one product (Humira). There's good stuff in the pipeline for MS and Hep C, but those drugs haven't been approved yet and will have competition when and if they come to market. Let's hope the folks in charge of R & D and acquisitions are top-flight.

All stocks are a bit shaky right now. There was the fear of the Fiscal Cliff. Now there is a new even scarier Fiscal Cliff in March. The new jobs reports are flat which is not good considering Christmas usually see an increase in hiring at least temporary workers. So don't take it personally yet- the whole market is scared.

What planet are you on? The market was up big time this week and hit a 5 year high.
AbbVie, not so much.

And Abbvie will have to prove it's more than one product (Humira). There's good stuff in the pipeline for MS and Hep C, but those drugs haven't been approved yet and will have competition when and if they come to market. Let's hope the folks in charge of R & D and acquisitions are top-flight.

The same people who were in charge of R & D at Abbott are in charge of it at AbbVie. Not a good sign.

I am buying all I can get even though I hate this company. Regardless of what I think or you think, the stock will perform with or without our bullshit rep/dm jobs. Dont buy stock or invest based on your emotions...you will lose every time!

I am buying all I can get even though I hate this company. Regardless of what I think or you think, the stock will perform with or without our bullshit rep/dm jobs. Dont buy stock or invest based on your emotions...you will lose every time!

Glad to see there are still some suckers out there! Bloomberg, MSN, and several others are advising to sell it immediately. Bing Abbott news and its the first page.

Personally, I'm going on a buying frenzy with ABBV. Eventhough AbbVie reps are a bunch of whininhg morons losers, the product line sells itself. Jut think where Abbvie would be if it had a sales force that took their job serious.

stock starting to slide. Knew it would happen. House of cards.

A house of cards ? Bad mouthing abbv stock ? Then VPak ? Then CEO ?
You were DEAD wrong ..love that $62 stock. got in at IPO $34.40
Almost double my investment Life is good Seems someone wanted abbv to fail and posted for 34 months on here saying such ! So Sad

A house of cards ? Bad mouthing abbv stock ? Then VPak ? Then CEO ?
You were DEAD wrong ..love that $62 stock. got in at IPO $34.40
Almost double my investment Life is good Seems someone wanted abbv to fail and posted for 34 months on here saying such ! So Sad

You trust these guys outllooks? Have you seen the crazy assumptions they are basing them on? Humira goes on forever, HCV grows to $3B plus, cancer fiasco drug does nuclear. the debt to equity of ABV is far higher then any other biotech or pharma co. It will never reach its 52 week high of low 70s again. It is aleady getting resistance since it finally broke into the low 60s even after that fairy tale quarterly update blather.
SHoulda sold at 71 like me. Sorry just sayin.

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