Abbott Nutrition - sales force changes - FACTS

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.[/QUOTE

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Very simple. Poor leadership at the top. Morale is at an all-time time low. Mgt can't see what is in front of them. Keep worrying about entering sales calls and we will continue our slide.

Very simple. Poor leadership at the top. Morale is at an all-time time low. Mgt can't see what is in front of them. Keep worrying about entering sales calls and we will continue our slide.

Slide ? Above or Below The Line

The marketplace has changed details and noise don't sell product. In todays market place its about your followers and tweets.
Managers are under pressure by the RSD's who are to removed to understand the situation on the ground level. I can see us in the next year strictly focus on hospitals business.
Thoughts ... why else would you re-deploy your sales force ?

Slide ? Above or Below The Line

The marketplace has changed details and noise don't sell product. In todays market place its about your followers and tweets.
Managers are under pressure by the RSD's who are to removed to understand the situation on the ground level. I can see us in the next year strictly focus on hospitals business.
Thoughts ... why else would you re-deploy your sales force ?

Slide ? Above or Below The Line

The marketplace has changed details and noise don't sell product. In todays market place its about your followers and tweets.
Managers are under pressure by the RSD's who are to removed to understand the situation on the ground level. I can see us in the next year strictly focus on hospitals business.
Thoughts ... why else would you re-deploy your sales force ?

When your leaders panic it reverberates throughout the sales force. Managing with scare tactics, intimidation, and micro-management is a sure fire way to ruin the business in the long term. Newer reps will never stay to endure this abuse. "Good job" is never in their vocabulary. Can a former accountant ever be motivational?

It has been a fire drill with spread sheets to fill out by end of day for over a year. You just get used to it. Just hang on and produce because senior leadership won't be.

What a bunch of whinny pajama-boy pussies! I'm embarrassed that I work at Abbott with such little dainty snow flakes. You asked for this job. You submitted a resume, followed up, were made an offer, and you accepted. When during all that did you fail to do the most basic research into Abbott? Did you not believe it? Did you not realize in the first week, maybe the first month if you are that naive, that all you had read about was true?

Abbott is not only well known as the worst Pharma company to work for; we PRIDE ourselves on it! ABT is the dystopian world in Pharma, you are a coal miner in District 12, and the only way to advance is a Hunger Games style contest. Stingy, petty, mean, micro-management, no regard for off-work hours, holidays or vacations. Paper work & process is king, and CYA is a way of life. Constant last minute demands, moving the goal posts, no recognition of wins. PIP's and abusive management style, poor leadership... the list goes on.

Buck up, rub some dirt in it, and take it like a man.

Now go cry in your safe spaces because the mean old DM told you everyone doesn't get a trophy!

What a bunch of whinny pajama-boy pussies! I'm embarrassed that I work at Abbott with such little dainty snow flakes. You asked for this job. You submitted a resume, followed up, were made an offer, and you accepted. When during all that did you fail to do the most basic research into Abbott? Did you not believe it? Did you not realize in the first week, maybe the first month if you are that naive, that all you had read about was true?

Abbott is not only well known as the worst Pharma company to work for; we PRIDE ourselves on it! ABT is the dystopian world in Pharma, you are a coal miner in District 12, and the only way to advance is a Hunger Games style contest. Stingy, petty, mean, micro-management, no regard for off-work hours, holidays or vacations. Paper work & process is king, and CYA is a way of life. Constant last minute demands, moving the goal posts, no recognition of wins. PIP's and abusive management style, poor leadership... the list goes on.

Buck up, rub some dirt in it, and take it like a man.

Now go cry in your safe spaces because the mean old DM told you everyone doesn't get a trophy!

You're a mean man mister. You can't bully me, I will call Loretta Lynch and Rev Al on you pal !
My Mother said ignore bad seeds like you.
Feel The Bern
Boo Hoo Hoo Hoo Love my pajamas too !!!!