Is ADC a stable business? How is the new CIO (VC) doing?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Oct 11, 2017 at 10:31: AM #1 anonymous Guest Is ADC a stable business? How is the new CIO (VC) doing?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Nov 09, 2017 at 01:13: AM #2 anonymous Guest VC stands for Very Confused - he flies down to Abbott Park, blows hot air, runs around kissing up to NB and flies back to Alameda - leaving us snickering at his pretense; what a mook!
VC stands for Very Confused - he flies down to Abbott Park, blows hot air, runs around kissing up to NB and flies back to Alameda - leaving us snickering at his pretense; what a mook!
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 09, 2018 at 09:59: PM #3 anonymous Guest Well, NB is gone so VC will be exposed
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 13, 2021 at 06:11: PM #4 anonymous Guest Abbott and IT is all screwed up, from the WiPro debacle in 2016, they are still going down hill