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Abandon Ship Everyone


Wow what a terrible call last week after they laid off really good people. There is no culture anymore. There is no trust anymore. Why wouldn’t they just wait a handful of months and let people quit naturally. Now everyone hates it here. Senior Leadership ruined a good thing. Does everyone know this was planned from the very beginning? Yes, it’s hard to believe but these bastards actually planned to do this. Hire and front load as many people as they could and dominate the marketplace, then one year after launch downsize. It’s terrible, but true. Ocrevus sales are going down the shitter because no one is working. So many are on vacation and could care less. Every single member on my team has been looking and plan to quit. Do you blame them? This company doesn’t give one shit about the individual. They have made this abundantly clear.

Would you have been satisfied at all if the lay-off structure was any different? If a company must lay people off, how would you expect the company to go about it? I think either way, there will be dissent and people will say "You laid off good people."

I suppose that's to be expected, that the people who were laid off/close to the people who were laid off will be upset and use this forum as an emotional sponge/sink, but think about how the company could have done anything better. I feel for you and I still think there's no better way to appease the shareholders of the company

Would you have been satisfied at all if the lay-off structure was any different? If a company must lay people off, how would you expect the company to go about it? I think either way, there will be dissent and people will say "You laid off good people."

I suppose that's to be expected, that the people who were laid off/close to the people who were laid off will be upset and use this forum as an emotional sponge/sink, but think about how the company could have done anything better. I feel for you and I still think there's no better way to appease the shareholders of the company
Go away, troll. The announcement's been made and no more for you to do so pick up your paycheck and move on to another company.

Wow what a terrible call last week after they laid off really good people. There is no culture anymore. There is no trust anymore. Why wouldn’t they just wait a handful of months and let people quit naturally. Now everyone hates it here. Senior Leadership ruined a good thing. Does everyone know this was planned from the very beginning? Yes, it’s hard to believe but these bastards actually planned to do this. Hire and front load as many people as they could and dominate the marketplace, then one year after launch downsize. It’s terrible, but true. Ocrevus sales are going down the shitter because no one is working. So many are on vacation and could care less. Every single member on my team has been looking and plan to quit. Do you blame them? This company doesn’t give one shit about the individual. They have made this abundantly clear.

Just LEAVE if you’re so unhappy!!! And don’t let the door hit you in your ASS! Never forget, you’re replaceable!!!!!

We’ve all been talking with recruiters. It really doesn’t make sense for many of us to stay here when they obviously have a history of laying off and continue doing so. How can you have a culture when you don’t care about your employees?

It's just the business cycle, (excluding the MS group), where companies grow and shrink according to LOE/biosims. As someone who left GNE after many years joining a new company has been a relief. I miss the old GNE, which no longer exists, but am so thankful to be with a growing company who doesn't have an axe hanging over its head. GNE had become so toxic and I didn't realize the level of underlying stress until I moved on. Who needs it? Take back your life and make the change.

Abandon ship- sorry, everyone worth anything has already left. Please close the door and turn off the lights behind you. The people that are still here are scared to leave. I left in Oct and it has been a good experience. Genentech is not a good environment anymore.

Hey, King of angry, back off the hatorade.. Maybe you will fell better if you go back to plastic straws.. the whole industry is changing an we need to be careful how much and what koolaid we drink.

Abandon ship- sorry, everyone worth anything has already left. Please close the door and turn off the lights behind you. The people that are still here are scared to leave. I left in Oct and it has been a good experience. Genentech is not a good environment anymore.
Very dysfunctional with lost trust.

We’re there more layoffs just last week? I’m sorry to hear about any of these. It is part of business but the ones being laid off are not always the unproductive ones- often they are the newer ones who don’t know or aren’t allowed to know the system of survival there. It’s very different- need to know the language of survival & how to say the right thing- not necessarily do the right thing or even know how to do it! It is a big clique! Many people stay for benefits & fear of the unknown.

Having left last fall on my own and to get out from under an incompetent buffoon of a manager, my perspective is that many still there are complacent within their roles and unmotivated to look outside the asylum. It’s telling when a position that was open last year is still open, even those “Bolded” or “Transformed” won’t go for some openings.