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A Question to those That Raised Their Hands?

will those that raised their hands be notified any earlier than the week of June 23rd, with the rest of the gang?

I hope so but it doesn't look like it.

As a side note, word from Cabo is that there were 220 hand raisers nationwide and 300 inventive reps that will be gone. I think that chances are that if you are in a territory that will have cuts you will probably be approved, unless you are against someone in the bottom bucket.

I hope so but it doesn't look like it.

As a side note, word from Cabo is that there were 220 hand raisers nationwide and 300 inventive reps that will be gone. I think that chances are that if you are in a territory that will have cuts you will probably be approved, unless you are against someone in the bottom bucket.

Yes, this is a sticky condition. The layoff criteria includes performance rating so if you have a lower bucket person in your district, a handraiser and just 1 position that needs to go, lower bucket wins. Only if they need to get rid of 2 positions will the handraiser get their wish.

Yes, this is a sticky condition. The layoff criteria includes performance rating so if you have a lower bucket person in your district, a handraiser and just 1 position that needs to go, lower bucket wins. Only if they need to get rid of 2 positions will the handraiser get their wish.

Sticky is right! Many of the bottom bucket people had one bad year due to managed care, one or two big drivers tanking the deck, one person teams. Most bottom buckets had good years before and have them today.

Hand raisers want an exit. They want out! Why keep them captive if they don't have the interest or motivation anymore?

The decision to cut the bottom based on one year is insanity!!!
BTW....some S3s and LERs had bad years in 2013. Throwing them out too???

Sticky is right! Many of the bottom bucket people had one bad year due to managed care, one or two big drivers tanking the deck, one person teams. Most bottom buckets had good years before and have them today.

Hand raisers want an exit. They want out! Why keep them captive if they don't have the interest or motivation anymore?

The decision to cut the bottom based on one year is insanity!!!
BTW....some S3s and LERs had bad years in 2013. Throwing them out too???


A Bottom Bucket-er


A Bottom Bucket-er

Bet they're one of the bottom bucket-ers with a brain, motivation strong work history! One year in the tank and it's all over?

Geez...I'm hearing big award winners and big S'ers are on that cut list too......while some big slackers who had a lucky year made it to the must keep list.

Cut made with precision and accuracy? Hardly! Sounds more like a crap shoot!

Bet they're one of the bottom bucket-ers with a brain, motivation strong work history! One year in the tank and it's all over?

Geez...I'm hearing big award winners and big S'ers are on that cut list too......while some big slackers who had a lucky year made it to the must keep list.

Cut made with precision and accuracy? Hardly! Sounds more like a crap shoot!

Until 2009, I was employed by IBM for over 30 years. For those that don't know, since the mid-1990's, IBM has laid off tens of thousands of people in wave after wave of layoff's. Layoff's at IBM have been and continue to be an annual event since 1999.

I can tell you that most cuts made no sense what-so-ever. Those that everybody knew should be gone, stayed. Those that thought hi-performing people would never be let go, were shocked when they saw them go. I personally know a man who currently has over 40 years of service at IBM. Everyone that knows him agrees he should have been let go 20 years ago, yet he's still there with absolutely no plans to leave. Another man I know is a highly valued employee who has raised his hand and wants to be let go (so he can retire with a severance package) should there be a second round of layoff's this year. He was told by his manager that "It would be hard to justify that to upper management."

I can also tell you that severance packages grew less and less generous with each new round of layoff's. Two years salary for anyone let go back in 1999 was the norm. Today, it's two weeks pay for every year of service, to a maximum of 26 weeks weeks pay. If you have a low performance rating, it's 3 months salary - maybe! They approach low performers and ask them to voluntarily leave with 3 months pay. If the low performer refuses to leave, they'll be put on a PIP (which they don't have a prayer of making work) and after 3 months if they haven't improved their performance, (and they wont improve it because their management will ensure they don't) they're fired with zero severance.

The only real question is why HR has not informed those selected that they've been selected. Are they waiting to get DCO approval, or to attempt to make some gesture of a real discussion into who to save and who to let go! As everyone should know this change was fostered from a few high up down on the organization with no DCO/CTL imput and now the DCO's should know that they are toothless whores and the Pimp makes all the decisions. Some of these idiots have not been around long enough to know how many times 'vertical' has screwed up! Just like fighting a war with airpower and forgetting about the infantry! When all the B-52's are parked they are just scrap metal...same with the specialty salesforce!

Until 2009, I was employed by IBM for over 30 years. For those that don't know, since the mid-1990's, IBM has laid off tens of thousands of people in wave after wave of layoff's. Layoff's at IBM have been and continue to be an annual event since 1999.

I can tell you that most cuts made no sense what-so-ever. Those that everybody knew should be gone, stayed. Those that thought hi-performing people would never be let go, were shocked when they saw them go. I personally know a man who currently has over 40 years of service at IBM. Everyone that knows him agrees he should have been let go 20 years ago, yet he's still there with absolutely no plans to leave. Another man I know is a highly valued employee who has raised his hand and wants to be let go (so he can retire with a severance package) should there be a second round of layoff's this year. He was told by his manager that "It would be hard to justify that to upper management."

I can also tell you that severance packages grew less and less generous with each new round of layoff's. Two years salary for anyone let go back in 1999 was the norm. Today, it's two weeks pay for every year of service, to a maximum of 26 weeks weeks pay. If you have a low performance rating, it's 3 months salary - maybe! They approach low performers and ask them to voluntarily leave with 3 months pay. If the low performer refuses to leave, they'll be put on a PIP (which they don't have a prayer of making work) and after 3 months if they haven't improved their performance, (and they wont improve it because their management will ensure they don't) they're fired with zero severance.

Interesting perspective thanks for providing. In those wave after wave of layoffs at IBM, what
has been the litigation history from employees being fired?

I take it you've not seen the legalese of all layoff paperwork. You have to sign the 'separation agreement' to get a dime. In that 'agreement' is the legally binding promise that you will not take legal action against your former employer. They give you 30 days to sign it as to give you the appearance of choice. Anyone who honestly has such a choice would quit and/or have filed a lawsuit before given such an 'agreement'.

This is not limited to Merck, btw. I've had friends in all sorts of industries/jobs/levels of responsibility get the same standard language in their packages. Merck also (at least used to) give even those being fired a token month of 'severance' to get them to sign off on not suing.

Interesting perspective thanks for providing. In those wave after wave of layoffs at IBM, what
has been the litigation history from employees being fired?

That's very hard to say.... I had no visibility to that, although I did hear of one person that threatened not to sign the separation agreement so as to be able to retain the right to sue IBM. Whether or not that actually happened, I've no idea. It's my belief that most signed the legal documents and took their severance. That's what I did. In my case, I had the magic number of 30 years of service, which made me immediately eligible to collect a pension from IBM even though I was 59 years old at the time. I can tell you that I was glad to be out of that hell-hole that IBM has become, as are most other people that left. Sadly, many that were fired were not as fortunate as me with 30 or more years of service. I knew of some that were let go with more than 25 years with the company, but not yet to 20. They all received vested rights pensions, which are greatly reduced compared to a full pension if you hit 30 years. They also got zero healthcare benefits in retirement. I had had 30 years, so I do have healthcare bennies.... The IBM storey is very much the same as Mercks.

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