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A Question to those That Raised Their Hands?


For those that raised their hands, why did you raise it? I am curious of the reasons someone would raise the hand. I did not see an advantage to raising my hand so that is why I am asking.


For those that raised their hands, why did you raise it? I am curious of the reasons someone would raise the hand. I did not see an advantage to raising my hand so that is why I am asking.

I raised my hand as I am burned out. I am old enough to retire but was afraid my age might keep me here. I cannot afford to just quit without having another job. Also, I do not like my manager. CTL is too soft and lets others in district get away with backstabbing thereby encouraging bad behavior. The package will allow me to spend time to find a fulfilling job. I have won awards etc, but have been passed over for positions for younger people with significantly less experience, I feel simply because I will not kiss ass, especially to someone who I do not respect. However, I do not feel angry at Merck as it has been a great ride. I just want to use my education which was not catering and answering to babysitters.

By raising my hand, it tells the company I am ready to leave and will not cry age discrimination etc. This company has been very good to me but things change. For the company to survive, it has to change with the times and I hope they take all handraisers to make room for those who still have the energy to put up with the bs.

Make no mistake, it is not easy finding another position with all the perks. The perks were what kept me here so long. I have a professional degree and can find work but will definitely make some sacrifices to do so but believe it will be meaningful.

Raising your hand takes some serious consideration and everyone's decision is based on their own situation. I just hope in my situation, they accept it as my spouse will not let me just quit.

Good luck to all those who truly want to stay.

Because this line of work is finished.....

It will go the way of reel to reel, Beta, VHS, DVD and so on.

Come on, can anyone REALLY say that this job is still satisfying !!!

You know, when you get home and your child asks you everyday how your day went.....

Are you proud to say well, I drove many many miles to wait of upwards to an hour for a doctor to basically say piss off here's you signature and oh by the way I am not even hearing words come out of your mouth; sounds more like the parent's from the Peanuts cartoon. Plus, thanks for nothing as the free meal you brought sucks. OH! and how about this one, can you or one of your partners come back later with Starbucks or Sonic drinks. If you can't, do you know any of you other pharma buddies who could come over and bring us some.

So now your own children say hey Dad have another crappy day; and you do not even need to answer; they already know the truth !

This, more than anything else, has made me take a VERY HARD LOOK at what we do from day to day...it has lost all of its luster, there is no true job satisfaction here anymore.
Instead we play these foolish head games like a game of who can give their CTL or DCO the greatest of all bigass FRUITBOWLs in the way of some spotlight report that they made up the morning of their field visit.

It is no longer a free market, start packing up as I believe this will be the last great send off before the nothingness comes for whoever is left.

Trust me it was not easy for my family to say go for. It will be a struggle, but someday I will be able to tell them I tried this & this, but it was Job X,Y,Z that made them proud of me.

Go luck to all !!!!

For those that raised their hands, why did you raise it? I am curious of the reasons someone would raise the hand. I did not see an advantage to raising my hand so that is why I am asking.

A person would only raise their hand if they were already planning on leaving (another job, retirement, stay home with family, etc) and they want to increase their chances of being chosen to receive the severance package and do what they were planning on doing anyway.

Because this line of work is finished.....

It will go the way of reel to reel, Beta, VHS, DVD and so on.

Come on, can anyone REALLY say that this job is still satisfying !!!

You know, when you get home and your child asks you everyday how your day went.....

Are you proud to say well, I drove many many miles to wait of upwards to an hour for a doctor to basically say piss off here's you signature and oh by the way I am not even hearing words come out of your mouth; sounds more like the parent's from the Peanuts cartoon. Plus, thanks for nothing as the free meal you brought sucks. OH! and how about this one, can you or one of your partners come back later with Starbucks or Sonic drinks. If you can't, do you know any of you other pharma buddies who could come over and bring us some.

So now your own children say hey Dad have another crappy day; and you do not even need to answer; they already know the truth !

This, more than anything else, has made me take a VERY HARD LOOK at what we do from day to day...it has lost all of its luster, there is no true job satisfaction here anymore.
Instead we play these foolish head games like a game of who can give their CTL or DCO the greatest of all bigass FRUITBOWLs in the way of some spotlight report that they made up the morning of their field visit.

It is no longer a free market, start packing up as I believe this will be the last great send off before the nothingness comes for whoever is left.

Trust me it was not easy for my family to say go for. It will be a struggle, but someday I will be able to tell them I tried this & this, but it was Job X,Y,Z that made them proud of me.

Go luck to all !!!!

Ditto, well said. I am so ready for a real job. It is harder at not working than working hard as this job is such a joke i cannot justify my existence. LOL and some of my peers really think Drs listen to them. LOL!!!Our drs feel sorry for us. We are becoming typewritters.
I will be first off bus thank you!.

I raised mine because Merck is a sh%t show and I secured another job elsewhere. Got a package and a better paying job!!

Ditto. The writing has been on the wall for YEARS. I jumped at raising my hand when the package was much better. Got the package, sold the house, moved 2/3 across the country to a lower cost of living and got a gig in less than a month without taking a salary or perk cut. Banked my Merck severance ($85k) while making six figures.

Don't let the b.s. of this place weigh you down. Make a plan for your life and go after it with all you've got. Even if that plan includes Merck, just get your mojo back!

Good luck!

For those that raised their hands, why did you raise it? I am curious of the reasons someone would raise the hand. I did not see an advantage to raising my hand so that is why I am asking.

You didn't see a reason because you obviously want to stay in this wacky job. I've been doing it for 16 years and just can't stand it anymore. I wanted out long ago but stayed for the money. Knew sooner or later another layoff with severance would come around so here I go!

Been saving my pennies for a long time and with severance added to what I have, I'm confident I'll be fine until I land the next gig, even if it pays less.

Only you knows what's best for you, but for me, it's time to go!

I raised my hand as I am burned out. I am old enough to retire but was afraid my age might keep me here. I cannot afford to just quit without having another job. Also, I do not like my manager. CTL is too soft and lets others in district get away with backstabbing thereby encouraging bad behavior. The package will allow me to spend time to find a fulfilling job. I have won awards etc, but have been passed over for positions for younger people with significantly less experience, I feel simply because I will not kiss ass, especially to someone who I do not respect. However, I do not feel angry at Merck as it has been a great ride. I just want to use my education which was not catering and answering to babysitters.

By raising my hand, it tells the company I am ready to leave and will not cry age discrimination etc. This company has been very good to me but things change. For the company to survive, it has to change with the times and I hope they take all handraisers to make room for those who still have the energy to put up with the bs.

Make no mistake, it is not easy finding another position with all the perks. The perks were what kept me here so long. I have a professional degree and can find work but will definitely make some sacrifices to do so but believe it will be meaningful.

Raising your hand takes some serious consideration and everyone's decision is based on their own situation. I just hope in my situation, they accept it as my spouse will not let me just quit.

Good luck to all those who truly want to stay.

But will they let you go???

When managers ignore the backstabbing behavior its harmful to everyone it touches. The CTLs need to act like managers, not featheweights afraid to shake up their district.

I am leaving because I am not using my braincells doing this job. I have a college degree and a MBA. This job has too much BS and I am done. It is easy for me, as I have spouse who banks bucks and I am going to work for him. I have strongly disliked this job for the past 4 years and it is time for me to leave…and happily.

Ditto, well said. I am so ready for a real job. It is harder at not working than working hard as this job is such a joke i cannot justify my existence. LOL and some of my peers really think Drs listen to them. LOL!!!Our drs feel sorry for us. We are becoming typewritters.
I will be first off bus thank you!.

You might be ready for a real job, but is there a real job out there just waiting for you?

It's not that I wish you any ill will. It's the fact the the job market is not in the best shape right now, at least in the area of the country I live in. Job opportunities don't exist where I live, not good paying job opportunities anyway. Walmart and Target do have jobs available. They pay $8.00 an hour.

You might be ready for a real job, but is there a real job out there just waiting for you?

It's not that I wish you any ill will. It's the fact the the job market is not in the best shape right now, at least in the area of the country I live in. Job opportunities don't exist where I live, not good paying job opportunities anyway. Walmart and Target do have jobs available. They pay $8.00 an hour.

I am not worried about finding another job. I am worried they won't accept my handraising. If I go to work at Walmart or Target, which I won't it will be in the pharmacy. But , i will have to do a real job which will take some getting used to as my brain has been gelled. lol

I am not worried about finding another job. I am worried they won't accept my handraising. If I go to work at Walmart or Target, which I won't it will be in the pharmacy. But , i will have to do a real job which will take some getting used to as my brain has been gelled. lol
Raised my hand in 2010 still getting paid...lol

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but the economy actually contracted this last quarter, making the hunt for any meaningful job just that much more challenging. So I say, just go with the flow and find a nice public sector job with a kick-ass salary and benefits. Not to brag, but I think I an more than qualified for a government job that uses smoke and mirrors to delay VA patients care while at the same time, making the dept. look like a model of efficiency. I mean, how hard can it be to create a hidden waiting list that no one gives a sh*t about and collect a nice bonus to boot ! The nonsensical gyrations, box checking and process idiocy that Merck embraces makes me a perfect candidate to fill any bureaucratic job that comes down the pike. Hello Obamenomics here I come!!

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but the economy actually contracted this last quarter, making the hunt for any meaningful job just that much more challenging. So I say, just go with the flow and find a nice public sector job with a kick-ass salary and benefits. Not to brag, but I think I an more than qualified for a government job that uses smoke and mirrors to delay VA patients care while at the same time, making the dept. look like a model of efficiency. I mean, how hard can it be to create a hidden waiting list that no one gives a sh*t about and collect a nice bonus to boot ! The nonsensical gyrations, box checking and process idiocy that Merck embraces makes me a perfect candidate to fill any bureaucratic job that comes down the pike. Hello Obamenomics here I come!!
I agree. What will the Feds do? Put the fed fund rate to a negative number? Right now I am staying away from big purchases for a while. I think the second half of this year will tell us not only where Merck is going but also the job market. I could leave here and get a new job but who really knows if it would have staying power.

You didn't see a reason because you obviously want to stay in this wacky job. I've been doing it for 16 years and just can't stand it anymore. I wanted out long ago but stayed for the money. Knew sooner or later another layoff with severance would come around so here I go!

Been saving my pennies for a long time and with severance added to what I have, I'm confident I'll be fine until I land the next gig, even if it pays less.

Only you knows what's best for you, but for me, it's time to go!

16 years = big payday in pension and more!

Chick or guy magnet with that bankroll @ 66!!

Consider yourself having made it in life!!! :)

This is why you don't spend every freaking dollar you make during good times. When opportunities like this sev pack present themselves, you can actually take advantage of it and comfortably move on with your life.
Make no mistake, these severances won't come around each time the company decides to cut people loose. And the next cut isn't far off either.

Sorry, I've put up with this charade for as long as my self-respect will allow.

This is why you don't spend every freaking dollar you make during good times. When opportunities like this sev pack present themselves, you can actually take advantage of it and comfortably move on with your life.
Make no mistake, these severances won't come around each time the company decides to cut people loose. And the next cut isn't far off either.

Sorry, I've put up with this charade for as long as my self-respect will allow.

DITTO! I am disgusted with myself for staying as long as I have but the money is seductive for such easy work. Can't take much more. I also believe the severance will change 1st of the year.
Please pick me!

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