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A Presidential Award for golf?

I especially liked when Obama walked out for the Bergdal photo op with his parents, and couldn't help but cop a feel on his mom.
Say what? yeah right theres a photo with him out there feeling up his mom. Make sure you copyand paste somewhere on this site for us to see. He sounds just like the president that we have now, that would like to sleep with own daugther. Incest something about it makes all the so called special people in world want to practice it.:):p:eek:

Good morning SC, or NC, VA, one of y'all. I will tell y'all the SOLUTION to y'alls problems. You need pray, not some man wearing a dress to go to read to kids at school. Pray is what you need. Shoot, I pray everyday. I pray to my gun, I pray to America, and I pray to baby Jesus. :):p:D

Good morning SC, or NC, VA, one of y'all. I will tell y'all the SOLUTION to y'alls problems. You need pray, not some man wearing a dress to go to read to kids at school. Pray is what you need. Shoot, I pray everyday. I pray to my gun, I pray to America, and I pray to baby Jesus. :):p:D

Get the great pretender to sign your bible and pray he didn't use disappearing ink. :cool:


This was in the 80’s and 90’s I believe, when Clinton was raping Juanita Broderick and assaulting Paula Jones.

Libs, please!
In a sworn statement in 1997 with the placeholder name 'Jan e Doe' Broaddrick filed an
affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers stating there were unfounded rumors and stories circulating "that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. ... These allegations are untrue". She then recanted her statement to investigators of potential misconduct by Clinton led by Kenneth Starr, while insisting at the time that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way. Starr declined to further investigate the issue, and mentioned it only in a footnote of his final report.

Please tell the whole story?