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A open letter to reps.


Are we done for? It was just a matter of time until we were extinct. We’ve all seen this downturn coming with access challenges etc. now this virus could be nail in the coffin. Offices won’t want us coming in and potentially carrying viruses until a vaccine is fully established. Hospital systems will shut us down. Please no smart ass responses. It’s time to get real. Is anyone getting anywhere with our in office remote meals? Honesty I don’t see any other way we can survive.


Pharma Reps are not needed. This is documented more so than ever now.Look at your sorry spoiled asses crying about getting paid to stay home on here. Shame on you. The last laugh will be on you! Big RIFs of 60% across several major Pharma sales forces in next year. You’re dinosaurs. You’re like VHS players Phonographs, phonograph records, Audio cassettes, 8 track tapes, compact disc, MP3 Audio cassette, cassette player, Walkman. Wake up a smell the roses The free rides over. Pharma will suffer tremendously starting with sales force.

First off. It’s not over. It will just be a struggle for about a year. Fortunately these are rich companies and can carry us. HCV May get rid of field based marketing, and the BS MD teams. Most will be ok.

Folks, it's funny how pharmaceutical companies have always been attacked. And now who is going to rescue us, the world... Pharmaceutical companies, not the NIH, not the World Health Organization. The researchers that have worked daily to bring products and benefit our families year after year.
I am betting on this industry, and hope that they come up with a vaccine as soon as possible!

Folks, it's funny how pharmaceutical companies have always been attacked. And now who is going to rescue us, the world... Pharmaceutical companies, not the NIH, not the World Health Organization. The researchers that have worked daily to bring products and benefit our families year after year.
I am betting on this industry, and hope that they come up with a vaccine as soon as possible!

While I agree with this statement. It has absolutely nothing to do with our job security. I’m hopeful but preparing for the worst. I don’t think offices are going to reopen for reps in a long, long time.

Anyone that isn’t required to be out in the community or can’t do most or all of their work from their home won’t have a job by mid-summer. Case and point, hospitals are currently terminating nurses who assist in performing elective procedures. If nurses are losing jobs during a pandemic, someone in sales that brings lunch to a now vacant clinic office is doomed.

They will furlough about 80% of you and ask you back once offices allow reps again and there is a highly effective vaccine that 80% of population has received. That’s at least 2 years, probably more.

Pharma companies our size have predicted at least 4 billion dollar hits to profits, and that’s with lockdowns stopping by end of May. They will cut you loose before they suspend dividend, dump R&D, or limit exec stock compensation. I recommend you all drastically cut personal spending and prepare your families for extremely hard times. If you have the funds, look into online training/educational for a different career in case business model never recovers. Those without a partner with a high paying job are going to experience depression era level of personal disruption. I’m sorry and good luck.

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