A new low...

Sorry to tell you but reporting has been an issue since the beginning of time. When we were a part of jnj our reports were a mess so there is no reason to feel reporting could get better.
I honestly don't know what else corporate can do regarding reports because the data comes from 3rd parties and we have to wait for it and it is a known fact in this industry that tracings are 90% accurate so when we finally do get the numbers they may not be accurate anyway. Bottom line is it has always been a shit show and it always will be. Do yourself a favor and get out while you have a job.

I wouldn't date yourself back to JnJ if you want to remain anonymous. Not many like that left-- maybe you are one of 3? Just FYI and lookin out for ya.

So true! Perfectly accurate. Been a while since I have posted here. Gotta say this company makes me want to take a cold shower and wash the toxic sludge off me. I am embarrassed to even go on sales calls and say I represent this company. KH and AG are completely incompetent and AG especially. Every time she opens her mouth I cringe. Bottom line, this is a culture of put up and shut up. Don't speak your mind or offer new ideas. Don't say anything on conference calls, don't raise your hand at a town hall meeting, don't believe for a minute that your ideas and thoughts matter, don't make suggestions or site problems or comment on anything. Don't discuss challenges and most of all never tell the truth. Just hang out in your silo and cross your fingers that the reports will get better each month.

YOU my friend, will def be getting hired at KCI. You abide by the above mission statement and you're going to be just fine