A good 2014 for B+L

Fuck you and your "trimming fat but touching none of the muscle". The truth is that Valeant has utterly destroyed B&L. They haven't just made cuts, they have eliminated the basic systems a company needs in order to operate. Among the things that B&L is no longer capable of are 1) inventing new products 2) filing patents 3)Developing its people 4) establishing relationships with vendors 5)providing basic IT services for its workers, you know, like a computer (forget about maintaining servers). And that is the top of a very, very long list.
So how do you expect to run a professional pharma company without these basics..... Oh yea almost forgot.... Believe in management NOT in science!! Pathetic

Nothing got to do buddy about "hanging around water coolers whining"... That's what management are good at!!

Agree, some management Muppet or Pearson who's pissed

Get Real, We have No product Pipeline & barely enough Staff!
= No FUTURE. Not to mention management are leading by confusion! Haha results from Q3
Reflect that, plus more to come & more layoffs

That company’s CEO, Jeff Skilling, who’s now serving time in prison, was ex-McKinsey, and so much about how Enron fell apart was due to ideas that Skilling brought over from McKinsey and that McKinsey celebrated at Enron—emphasizing vision over execution, a ruthless human resources policy that resulted in excessive employee churn, as well as more prosaic issues like off-balance-sheet financing and securitization. They’re certainly not immune to buying their own B.S.

Sound familiar anyone?

Taken from Valeant thread:

So the head of Facilities (MP's Brother in Law, BTW) renovated the 1st floor of the Bridgewater Facility and folks are getting moved around to move into the new space.

You'd think that since it is renovated that it would be an upgrade, right? Wrong. And you'd think $2M would make a nice spacious or at least thoughtfully laid out working environment. Nope, wrong again.

Instead, they've made cubicles 50% smaller and wall dividers a good foot and a half shorter. With ugly used Ikea brown shit colored materials, it looks like we're a herd of telemarketing cows filing in to get milked everyday. We look like fucking sardines. As if I didn't dread going into work everyday, no I'm downgraded to an even shittier cubicle with even less privacy.

I'm constantly astounded about how much MP and senior leadership don't give a rat's ass about morale or working conditions. I am so fed up. I'm so tired of being a miserable drone. I know that I should be thankful that I even have a job and get paid decent money. Maybe if this was my first job, I wouldn't know any better. But unfortunately I do know better. And I know it doesn't have to be this way.

I can't wait to get another job offer so that I can send out a mass email titled,

"Go FUCK yourself Valeant".

Boy Scout.... Hahahaha

So you still wana give Valeant a chance!!! Our esteemed leader is leading by example.

Maybe they just playing psychological games with people. You are just part of a big experiment designed by those who enjoy watching the suffering of others. All it takes is one guy that may have been picked on when they were kids finds himself in a position of power to then do to others what was done to them.

Smaller cubicles less privacy is a psychological design to put you in your place and make you know who is really in power in the organization. If they can belittle you and break you then they have elevated their status above yours.

Not good for an organization but that really may not be the goal. The goal is to feed the ego of the top guy by showing that he can change your life for the worst as he dictates at any time and any place.

Good luck with the experiment. You might have to jump out of the experiment and get a new job where they treat people like people and not as lab rats.