A good 2014 for B+L


Everyone should look forward to a good year in 2014. Although 2013 resulted in some cutbacks and consolidations 2014 should be a great year! A new emphasis on (increased spending) on D&R as a result of our continued success in this area. New products for manufacturing to produce and for marketing to drive sales.

Time to recharge the batteries during the Holidays so we can all hit the new year with a new attitude towards continued success of our new future with Valeant.

Are you totally crazy?
B+L sales are falling fast whatever Pearson says to the analysts...those of us still here know that..all the talent has gone or is getting out fast to companies with long term belief in the future...not todays stock price.
In 2014 another swathe of drastic cuts will occur to get to that $850m Pearson has promised so he can buy himself another plane.
2014 will see the final end of B+L as we know it...thousands more jobs lost and families destroyed..

2014 will be super.

All pipeline products will launch on schedule. Commercial will finally have the products required to wipe out the competition. All departments are aligned on strategy for 2014 and everyone is fully focussed.

Our managers are doing a great job. Nothing to see here Mike. Move along to the next buyout.

2014 will be super.

All pipeline products will launch on schedule. Commercial will finally have the products required to wipe out the competition. All departments are aligned on strategy for 2014 and everyone is fully focussed.

Our managers are doing a great job. Nothing to see here Mike. Move along to the next buyout.

Thanks for your support. Fully focused and an eye on the bottom line. If we all work towards this plan it will be a good year.

What a total joke!! Pearson fooling the shareholders/ employees etc. basically anyone that will listen to him all is good. Yea buddy we all believe you, just look at that shareprice drop... Oh no!
Maybe people realise we have no new products, there is no innovation, all the good people have been let go ( and/or leaving), managemen(what's left) are in constant disarray, employees have no motivation to work in a toxic environment, manufacturing plants can barely survive with the
Skeleton staff left & patients are not a priority

What a total joke!! Pearson fooling the shareholders/ employees etc. basically anyone that will listen to him all is good. Yea buddy we all believe you, just look at that shareprice drop... Oh no!
Maybe people realise we have no new products, there is no innovation, all the good people have been let go ( and/or leaving), managemen(what's left) are in constant disarray, employees have no motivation to work in a toxic environment, manufacturing plants can barely survive with the
Skeleton staff left & patients are not a priority

If you get with the team things can work. New priorities do not make the company fall apart. It is just a different way of thinking. Apple, Google, Facebook are just a few of the companies like Valeant that are reinventing how businesses are run.

Joke of a thread, obviously done by Fatboy....should read " We Are In TROUBLE in 2014!"
We have No product Pipeline & barely enough Staff! Solution = Merge again & cut....Told over & over & over again...

Why don't you give Valeant a chance? Yes some people got laid off. But if you are one of the survivors life could be good.

1) delusional 2) sarcastic, or 3) you are pearson. No other way about it.

Fuck you and your "trimming fat but touching none of the muscle". The truth is that Valeant has utterly destroyed B&L. They haven't just made cuts, they have eliminated the basic systems a company needs in order to operate. Among the things that B&L is no longer capable of are 1) inventing new products 2) filing patents 3) establishing relationships with vendors 4) providing basic IT services for its workers, you know, like a computer (forget about maintaining servers). And that is the top of a very, very long list.

A big chunk of the people left after Valeant made the first cuts are the dinosaurs in middle management, they are just happy to keep getting a paycheck, but the few who were truly capable and had been adding value to the company know there is absolutely no future here and they are leaving now in droves. 2 HR reps for all of Rochester? That's just about enough to handle all the exit interviews. Valeant knows this, they are scared shitless, and it is only a matter of time before they will no longer be able to hide the damage they have done to this company. If the FDA doesn't get there first then this will be what takes them down.

Well said... Whoever it is that keeps replying is obviously Pearson or his Muppets!!
Bausch & Lomb has been totally taken apart & it's good name destroyed by valeant, who puts shareholders before customers & patients..... Too many whistleblowers, times up Pearson!

Valeant may not be the end all be all answer, but they have shown just how much fat and excess B+L was carrying at the top for the past several years. Everyone likes to accuse Valeant of raping and pillaging, but the perpetual revolving door of upper echelon executives is just as guilty. How many of these worked for 18 months or less, contributing zero added value and then departed with a golden parachute ? Answer} all of them. Yep times will be tough under Valeant we're all probably going to have a spend a little more time adding value and a little less time hanging around the water cooler whining and complaining. It'll be hard, it will be this unusual concept called "work" and won't be fun. So what, that's what we get paid for. The days of reporting things for the sake of reporting things to pass them up to another layer of management for the purpose of passing on to their bosses is probably over - especially since at least 2 layers of that is now gone - and should be. For all of those of you who think you're so special and amazing that you shouldn't have to actually perform meaningful, value added tasks then go work some place else, we don't need your dead weight around here. We need direct labor, front line leads, department management, site management, and business unit management that reports directly to corp execs that's it.

Valeant may not be the end all be all answer, but they have shown just how much fat and excess B+L was carrying at the top for the past several years. Everyone likes to accuse Valeant of raping and pillaging, but the perpetual revolving door of upper echelon executives is just as guilty. How many of these worked for 18 months or less, contributing zero added value and then departed with a golden parachute ? Answer} all of them. Yep times will be tough under Valeant we're all probably going to have a spend a little more time adding value and a little less time hanging around the water cooler whining and complaining. It'll be hard, it will be this unusual concept called "work" and won't be fun. So what, that's what we get paid for. The days of reporting things for the sake of reporting things to pass them up to another layer of management for the purpose of passing on to their bosses is probably over - especially since at least 2 layers of that is now gone - and should be. For all of those of you who think you're so special and amazing that you shouldn't have to actually perform meaningful, value added tasks then go work some place else, we don't need your dead weight around here. We need direct labor, front line leads, department management, site management, and business unit management that reports directly to corp execs that's it.

You are a kool aide drinker, investor, troll, or Valeant management goon. Guess its up to me then to find a generic response no matter what you are. The things you express here may be true - possibly even likely true, so I can't argue with that. Just because something is true, doesn't make it right. Being right though, probably has no place in today's business world. So, I can't condemn YOU for expressing truth, but I can condemn modern society (ie: Wall Street) for permitting truth that is something other than right- when truth that isn't 'right' wrecks lives, families, and businesses. So in everyone's best interest, let's hope you're wrong or a liar.

You are a kool aide drinker, investor, troll, or Valeant management goon. Guess its up to me then to find a generic response no matter what you are. The things you express here may be true - possibly even likely true, so I can't argue with that. Just because something is true, doesn't make it right. Being right though, probably has no place in today's business world. So, I can't condemn YOU for expressing truth, but I can condemn modern society (ie: Wall Street) for permitting truth that is something other than right- when truth that isn't 'right' wrecks lives, families, and businesses. So in everyone's best interest, let's hope you're wrong or a liar.

What? In a free market society good companies succeed and noncompetitive companies fail. The problem here is that the system is letting Valeant borrow to look like a competitive company in the short run where the company likely will not be competitive in the long run.

The banks are taking the risk. Hopefully the people that lose their jobs in the long run will be the people that work at the banks that are making this poor investment. Not the taxpayers, B+L workers or vendors that work with B+L. If you stay at B+L as an employee you are also taking on a risk betting that B+L will not fold or lay you off in the future. So if you lose your job next year or the year after that you made a poor investment or a bad bet.