A.G. The worlds dumbest CEO


Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.

Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.
Dead spot-on.
There is no way AG would survive 30 days at a real, US pharma company.
He’s been called out to tell us what he’s accomplished in what 3-4 years now? no one ever comes to his defense or can point to something he’s done.

Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.
There definitely is this real vile feeling towards the company. People are treated like sh!t, alleged leaders are completely inept, it’s a revolving door all over the place. Sun squeezes rupees out of stones, it’s all about extracting cost out of the entire equation.

Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.

Yeah, no one has any respect for him. They kiss-ass and then talk behind his back.

A players won’t work for B players. It’s really that simple. Zero leadership at Sun. Nothing but the good ole boys running around in circles.
The problem for Sun is that they can’t attract any ‘A’ players.
They can only get ‘C’ players (think Ulta and Best Buy) who want to think they’re in a real pharma company.

Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.
At one point, VPs were avoiding interviewing people because they didn’t want to have to lie to people when asked a question about the company. That was a while ago but the same issues are still here.

My VP interview was a joke. Most definitely something I have never experienced before. I can’t even guess how they attain to that level without some bizarre happenings.

At one point, VPs were avoiding interviewing people because they didn’t want to have to lie to people when asked a question about the company. That was a while ago but the same issues are still here.
In a kind of a roundabout about way, they had a level of integrity to not put themselves in a spot to have to lie about joining the company.

Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.
How much longer do you think he’ll stay ?
I think they may sell the US business - just break it up and/or take the hit and fold what can’t be sold.

Regarding to tool bag at the United States head for Sun; I am puzzled as to how someone with such a low IQ can generate enough energy to flap those stupid lips of his. This guy would fail having the only working slurpie machine in the desert. To anyone considering working for Sun please realize the below.
There probably aren’t 10 people (Americans) in the U.S, that have been here more then 5 years. 99.9% of those leaving despise the company and feel as though they have been cheated. When you are given the worst benefits package in the industry it reflects on the culture and the value assigned to employees. The ownership are complete crooks from DS on down. Leadership is void and more closely resembles children playing musical chairs. Everyone you are interviewing is frantically looking for a job. This will never turn around regardless of the stories they are telling you in the interview process. They don’t know how to change because frankly none of them are qualified to be there.

Thank you for your feedback. We are disappointed that you chose to leave the company due to this reason/experienced this situation. SUN Pharma is committed to the highest level of ethics of integrity at every level within our company. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.