A friend got a call from security to come to NJ

"I do not recall" is your ONLY answer. I was lucky enough to be summoned to NJ with absolutely no explanation of why. It was not over an expense report. Novartis was being investigated for a drug we used to promote. The "interview" was awful. HR and Novartis legal ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!!!! Everything you say will be used to question you later. I was eventually questioned by the State Attorney General's lawyers regarding everything I ever did regarding promotion of that drug. In the NJ "interview" they had a stack an inch deep of old call notes that they badgered me over. Do NOT say anything. Tell them they need to fully disclose why they are questioning you and then demand legal representation. If Novartis is being investigated by the FDA or a State Atty General- they are seeing what you know and what will be used against Novartis in the investigation. You will be supplied a lawyer (paid for by Novartis- they have to cover their butts afterall). Good news- the lawyer I had ROCKED. The investigation was ultimately "settled" and all involved got back dated Conduct Memos in their files. WATCH OUT. There are several drugs that were promoted years ago - were yanked from the market- and now are popping back up in investigations regarding the questionable marketing practices. Good luck!

Yup, it's the old good cop, bad cop! Book the most expensive flight, book a limo, and follow the advice here, yes, no and I don't remember....By all means, consult an attorney and have them there if possible, dont announce it to them, just when you show up the expression on their faces take a pic with your smart phone - next year's christmas card. The end game is to negotiate a separation, pension retention, severance (at least as good as what is coming) This person is now "tagged" so that when the downsizing hits they are first to go. This situation is the norm now, get used to it.

I have been through this and remember that they would have already fired you if that was the case. They are going to ask u questions about a counterpart or manager. It was no big deal. Don't worry

Some good advice on here...I would come with an attorney. If they do have something on you the attorney can and will help you get the BEST Package..

These are information gathering. Anything you can and will be used against you. There are two people there and will pepper you with Q&A. These people do not make any decisions on gather info. A panel will decide what will happen to the case. Plan on twisting in the wind another couple of months. This could end up being nothing....or the worst case is a phone call from your manager that is very disturbing....I need to meet with you in a couple of days...no specifics.

These are information gathering. Anything you can and will be used against you. There are two people there and will pepper you with Q&A. These people do not make any decisions on gather info. A panel will decide what will happen to the case. Plan on twisting in the wind another couple of months. This could end up being nothing....or the worst case is a phone call from your manager that is very disturbing....I need to meet with you in a couple of days...no specifics.
All this just sounds crazy how often does this happen? Do you know someone this has happened too? Sounds like a lot of mixed info on here and good advise to people who could run into this problem. Does this start from the manager level.

Watch what you say and if they act like they have something on you. Ask them if you need to get an attorney? This company is so silly and have nothing better to do then act so silly.

It can also be they ask you about somebody else. Somebody who is unaware about the case and then is axed by surprise with just a vague reason. Fired with regular period, but released from duties right away. No reason, nothing on paper other than termination according contract terms.. No change, no grip for any legal action.

My advice act like you care answer nothing. Say I can't recall I don't remember. They accused me of letting a speaker use his own slides at a speaker program pure bullshit. I said fuck you show me the video. I was cleared but I am leaving this shit hole. They treat you like you robbed a bank.