A friend got a call from security to come to NJ


Bogus calls are the majority of their work. Expense accounts a big part, just because they were approved doesn't mean they don't have some questions. Your DM most likely started the inquiry. Did you have an argument or a fight with mgmt or someone?

Get a good nights rest before the interview. Ask more questions than you answer. Say, I don't know or I don't remember, I don't recall to things which you are uncertain. Volunteer little to nothing. Don't admit to anything. If you feel uncomfortable, tell them you would like to a lawyer and ask the for a written complain concerning what it is they claim you did.

Good luck.

I went to one of these.
Lawyers, security and HR interrogate you. When I went outside to go home I was suspended without pay and there was a line of black lincolns with people getting in them. Who ever said they had a lawyer is full of shit. NEGOTIATE A PACKAGE IF YOU CAN.

I went to one of these.
Lawyers, security and HR interrogate you. When I went outside to go home I was suspended without pay and there was a line of black lincolns with people getting in them. Who ever said they had a lawyer is full of shit. NEGOTIATE A PACKAGE IF YOU CAN.

Any words of wisdo for people going through something like this? I'm sure Novartis would not allow a lawyer present with you. How many people were in the room? this is the way they treat the people who bust there asses for them.

I had a neuroscience counterpart go through this. when the fda comes after novartis for illegal marketing practices, they try to through reps under the bus. if you try to retain an attorney, they say they will terminate you immediately. they will interogate you and try to get you to say things you don't mean and on tape can be used against you. they will ask you questions like " have you ever uttered a word about a novartis product that wasn't verbatim from the marketing piece?" I honestly could not believe this treatment was legal in the US.

This describes the techniques they will use on you and how you can best protect yourself. Deny everything, don't compromise and give them anything to work with. Remember, whatever they say or offer you, they are not your friends. Their job is measured by how many of you they nail!!

1. The sole goal for their communication interchange is to determine the
issues, so the employee should record information, maintain a
responsive and cooperative attitude and only communicate on topics
of which there is a high degree of recall and certainty.
2. All responses should be carefully considered with the knowledge that
any statement may be reflected in a context that could be used
against the employee.
3. The employee should recall interviews seen in the media and borrow
techniques from skilled interviewees such as: Don’t bluff; keep
answers short to reduce the chance for misunderstanding or
misreporting; stay calm; be as natural as possible; regulate voice and
gestures; do not get angry or frustrated; smother emotions of
negativity or acquiescence; remain detached and de-centered (Dance
and Zak Dance 1994. 300).
4. Sarcasm can sound careless and humor can be misinterpreted
5. Request an opportunity to review records and continue the discussion
once documentation is available.
6. Keep in mind that the contents of the interview will not be kept solely
between the employee and auditor.
7. Be prepared for an interview that is psychologically and emotionally
8. Cope and build a position for future negotiation.
9. Manage emotions, remain calm, listen and respond carefully.
10. Try not to commit to anything (Dance and Zak Dance 1994).
11. Do not sign a document.
12. Request repeatedly: “I need time to review the material.”
13. Make clear the expectation and commitment to review the concerns
identified. Remain firm and calm in the commitment to review the
documents at a later date (Dance and Zak Dance 1994).
14. The secretive and pressured nature of this interview is intentional and
should be interpreted as potentially corrosive (Conti 1999).
15. Prepare to represent yourself as an attorney with no personal
knowledge of the situation (Dance and Zak Dance 1994).
16. Do not consider the information presented, its validity or falsehood of
the claim. This is the time to listen and record, evaluation is later
(Spangle and Isenhart 2003).
17. Respond with genuine interest and concern, because the audit is a
cause for genuine concern.
18. Maintain the “I do not recall” response. Do not struggle to recall.
19. Recall the exact events later with the aid of phone bills, calendar and
other notes.
20. This interview is about clear, complete, accurate data collection:
listen and record.
20. Respond pleasantly and cooperatively.
21. Request any and all documentation they may have in the interest of
clear communication.
22. Politely ask to make copies. If they are provided take them but do
not look at them. If they are not provided, indicate that fact in your
23. Review the notes immediately after the interview and add anything
that might have been missed.
24. Be a good employee. You will still be stressed, but a good work ethic
and personal integrity will provide the conviction to succeed.

Any words of wisdo for people going through something like this? I'm sure Novartis would not allow a lawyer present with you. How many people were in the room? this is the way they treat the people who bust there asses for them.

They will use the Reid tecnique. Here is an overview of their M.O.

The Reid technique's nine steps of interrogation are:[1]

* Step 1 - Direct Confrontation. Lead the suspect to understand that the evidence has led the police to the individual as a suspect. Offer the person an early opportunity to explain why the offense took place.

* Step 2 - Try to shift the blame away from the suspect to some other person or set of circumstances that prompted the suspect to commit the crime. That is, develop themes containing reasons that will justify or excuse the crime. Themes may be developed or changed to find one to which the accused is most responsive.
* Step 3 - Try to discourage the suspect from denying his guilt. Reid training video: "If you’ve let him talk and say the words ‘I didn’t do it’, and the more often a person says ‘I didn’t do it’, the more difficult it is to get a confession."
* Step 4 - At this point, the accused will often give a reason why he or she did not or could not commit the crime. Try to use this to move towards the confession.
* Step 5 - Reinforce sincerity to ensure that the suspect is receptive.
* Step 6 - The suspect will become quieter and listen. Move the theme discussion towards offering alternatives. If the suspect cries at this point, infer guilt.
* Step 7 - Pose the “alternative question”, giving two choices for what happened; one more socially acceptable than the other. The suspect is expected to choose the easier option but whichever alternative the suspect chooses, guilt is admitted. There is always a third option which is to maintain that they did not commit the crime.
* Step 8 - Lead the suspect to repeat the admission of guilt in front of witnesses and develop corroborating information to establish the validity of the confession.
* Step 9 - Document the suspect's admission and have him or her prepare a recorded statement (audio, video or written).

I had a neuroscience counterpart go through this. when the fda comes after novartis for illegal marketing practices, they try to through reps under the bus. if you try to retain an attorney, they say they will terminate you immediately. they will interogate you and try to get you to say things you don't mean and on tape can be used against you. they will ask you questions like " have you ever uttered a word about a novartis product that wasn't verbatim from the marketing piece?" I honestly could not believe this treatment was legal in the US.

Keep the messages coming> I can't believe they treat people like that. I guess they have to have someone to blame.

Only answer you should utter

Ask for a copy of anything they show you in writing or any electronic documentation.. get a copy before you say..it speaks for its self

First thing I would place a tape recorder on the table and turn it on before anyone speaks.

second. Dont answer questions directly, ask them what are you specifically asking or accusing me of? What docuementation do you have and may I have a copy.

third, be calm it's stresssful, that's the way they want it.

remember with the tape going they aren't gonna try to brow beat you into answerign a question you don't want to answer.
if they tell you to turn off the tape recorder, politely say you are not willing to turn it off. if they refuse to continue, professionally say you are willing to continue with the interview when they are willing to have it recorded.

don't fold when they get pissy or threatening. it's all on tape.