A friend got a call from security to come to NJ


A friend got a call from NJ to come to meet with security anyone know anyone else who has ever had this situation and what did they do.

I have dealt with BPO at the highest level. You can't get more security dealings than that. Suggest you and he read the BPO thread. Maybe you can learn something. Also important do what they do, admit NOTHING. Even if you think they have some kind of evidence admit NOHING. If they have your ass is done anyway so keep the stuff to yourself and get a lawyer.If the issue is such that they don't want it out in the open inernally and externally your chances to get even a good package are good. Don't let them push you around, just stay your ground and fight back. Now about fighting them and fighting them back: Many have adised, especially on BPO and WG threads to keep your eyes and ears open for evidence of their miscinduct. It is everywhere for they do it all the time. They will never stop their crimes and unethical stuff so get that evidence while you can.
Here is a perfect example of someone "called in" as mafia term describes it, and he may not have any stuff on this crooked Co. If he had he'd be in drivers seat.
So remeber you owe them nothing as they don't need you the moment they don't need you (look at oncology etc) and your ass is out. So get that evidence, file it and wait for that faithful day if it ever comes like in this guys's case and use it to defend yourself and win. If it does not come you lost nothing and one day you may decide to do the right thing, blow the whistle on the bastards. Once the feds get them you collect that fine amount (10-25%) of the fine they will pay for their crookedness. Then you'll never need their lousy job and never worry about their F*&^ing security and other shit.
How does that sound 2 U?

If they say you did this or that/ have a logical reason why. I knew of someone who was called up because she was working for another company while working at Novartis and she told them that reason out of territory and in another reps territory was that she was on lunch break. Oh really at almost 2PM. Ha- She had a backup excuse for each thing they were accusing her of. She is with company today.

Know a rep called in for using his gas card while on vacation, and recording calls on doctors on their day off..he claimed they were in the office, but not seeing pts. Needless to say, he was denied GM sales award (was ranked high at the time), as well as bonus, and was let go in Dec. layoffs. Good luck!

What do you mean by check out the BPO thread? Can you please give more insight as to what happens when ;you are called to these security meetings? Thanks!

You will be questioned about your indiscretions or those of someone you know.
They will use police methods as though this were a criminal investigation.
It is called the Reid technique and is designed to get you to admit something. (you can check this out on google)


Deny everything
Recall nothing
Admit to no wrongdoing
Accept no offers for your cooperation
GET a LAWYER and bring them with you if you can
Try to secretly tape record the proceedings

Good Luck

Iam so sorry to hear about your friend who was fired. What was the protocol at the meeting with corporate security? Did they have your friends manager there too? What incidents dud they allege against your friend??

Iam so sorry to hear about your friend who was fired. What was the protocol at the meeting with corporate security? Did they have your friends manager there too? What incidents dud they allege against your friend??

Don´t be silly.. this is Novartis. They don´t need protocols or any other rules or explanation. They need to make their quota of firings. Makes the company look good and ethical

The well is poisoned at Novartis. Never in my life have I seen a company like this. I have heard of this and received a call myself about my manager. reps reporting other reps- to pull the heat off themselves. I would seek legal counsel before attending the meeting. Then I would start looking for a new job.

I also know someone who was called by security to NJ. They went and answered questions relating to forgery of a physician signature on a program sign-in sheet. They denied everything, lied through their teeth and it was their word against Novartis.
Some time later this rep received another call from security asking them to come to NJ to answer more questions....let's just say they are no longer around.