A breakdown of Florida layoffs

"no way this company won't survive" double negative shows your confidence that the WILL survie. Or, is it your inability to use a comma "no way, this company won't survive." It's people like you that give drive thrus bad name. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT "NO PICKLE" MEANS NO DAMN PICKLE ON THE EFFIN' BURGER!!!

I love it. This country has become essentially illiterate. The new grads coming out of colleges (even graduate schools) cannot write or think. These people will be managers, physicians, bankers, etc. It is terrifying. Maybe the LC CEO can make an 'X' at least.

"no way this company won't survive" double negative shows your confidence that the WILL survie. Or, is it your inability to use a comma "no way, this company won't survive." It's people like you that give drive thrus bad name. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT "NO PICKLE" MEANS NO DAMN PICKLE ON THE EFFIN' BURGER!!!

No sh!t. Quit crying on this site and whining about BL when your dumb ass can't even make a simple burger(that's probably prepackaged)!

I love it. This country has become essentially illiterate. The new grads coming out of colleges (even graduate schools) cannot write or think. These people will be managers, physicians, bankers, etc. It is terrifying. Maybe the LC CEO can make an 'X' at least.

Blame the online certifications and CE process that anyone can obtain, and I mean anyone! Just have a few letters after your name and belong to a professional organization or two and suddenly your somebody... but only to those who don't know any better.

Blame the online certifications and CE process that anyone can obtain, and I mean anyone! Just have a few letters after your name and belong to a professional organization or two and suddenly your somebody... but only to those who don't know any better.

Realistically speaking, all the fancy certifications from all the agencies is just a way for corporate to pass the "mistake buck", citing "you should have known better"! It's your fault not theirs.

"no way this company won't survive" double negative shows your confidence that the WILL survie. Or, is it your inability to use a comma "no way, this company won't survive." It's people like you that give drive thrus bad name. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT "NO PICKLE" MEANS NO DAMN PICKLE ON THE EFFIN' BURGER!!!

Nice job shit-stain! I ordered bacon on my f'in chikcen sandwich today and you left it off! Moron.