A big F*ck you to the field force

Sage is completely LAME. For the idiotic posts like "stop we must all work together" and "don't blame others for not selling," thank you so much for the belly laughs. It is hilarious when someone tries to hijack a thread and fails miserably. Everyone that actually works at Sage knows this is a terrible company and are seriously looking for new opportunities. It is just a matter of time when this company goes belly up. More resignations will be coming in full force the week of March 9th.
Sage is completely LAME. For the idiotic posts like "stop we must all work together" and "don't blame others for not selling," thank you so much for the belly laughs. It is hilarious when someone tries to hijack a thread and fails miserably. Everyone that actually works at Sage knows this is a terrible company and are seriously looking for new opportunities. It is just a matter of time when this company goes belly up. More resignations will be coming in full force the week of March 9th.

seriously asking...why the week of March 9?
seriously asking...why the week of March 9?

Oh yes, now I’ve got it. March 9 is “drop dead” date for NSM decision....as referenced on another thread.

Cuts, if needed, must need to be made before this date. The company won’t pay, for personnel to travel, if they’re no longer deemed to be needed.
New research shows a distinct difference between how younger physicians and older physicians use digital channels, as well as most trusted sources for information. We should use the internet to reach younger psychs with our sales message. Just use the sales rep for older doctors.
Sage is completely LAME. For the idiotic posts like "stop we must all work together" and "don't blame others for not selling," thank you so much for the belly laughs. It is hilarious when someone tries to hijack a thread and fails miserably. Everyone that actually works at Sage knows this is a terrible company and are seriously looking for new opportunities. It is just a matter of time when this company goes belly up. More resignations will be coming in full force the week of March 9th.

Agreed! Sad idiots leave stupid messages on here. I have been a rep now for 16 years and every time something bad happened throughout the years, it was always Cafepharma that spilled the beans! Of course you are always going to have insecure jerks that leave childish messages here and there, but this has always been the best resource I have had especially during these turbulent times. I look back at these posts of Sage and find it incredible how many posts have actually come true. I don't disregard most things. This industry is very harsh and one thing I learned is to take care of yourself as these companies will drop you without hesitation or emotion whenever they feel like it. You are absolutely nothing to them. It is all talk. Like Sage has a great culture. I ask you, what culture? Since starting this job I have been overly managed, distrusted, and harassed. So take this time to find another job. What lies ahead here is a big zero. The drug will continue to be lackluster and certainly nothing that will sustain a whole company. The axe will fall and unfortunately people will be hurt. Take it from me, don't be left holding an empty bag of nothing and be caught off guard. Secure something now because these people won't care when they make that call to you that you are gone and there is no severance. They will not pay a severance here.
16 years as a sales rep — LOSER!

I’m not in commercial, but I have to say this. In all of my years working in different companies within the industry, I’ve never seen such disgraceful and crazy posts in other forums as I’ve seen in this one. Calling people losers? Seems like this is projection from an unhappy and insecure person.
Agreed! Sad idiots leave stupid messages on here. I have been a rep now for 16 years and every time something bad happened throughout the years, it was always Cafepharma that spilled the beans! Of course you are always going to have insecure jerks that leave childish messages here and there, but this has always been the best resource I have had especially during these turbulent times. I look back at these posts of Sage and find it incredible how many posts have actually come true. I don't disregard most things. This industry is very harsh and one thing I learned is to take care of yourself as these companies will drop you without hesitation or emotion whenever they feel like it. You are absolutely nothing to them. It is all talk. Like Sage has a great culture. I ask you, what culture? Since starting this job I have been overly managed, distrusted, and harassed. So take this time to find another job. What lies ahead here is a big zero. The drug will continue to be lackluster and certainly nothing that will sustain a whole company. The axe will fall and unfortunately people will be hurt. Take it from me, don't be left holding an empty bag of nothing and be caught off guard. Secure something now because these people won't care when they make that call to you that you are gone and there is no severance. They will not pay a severance here.

Yes, Its pretty distressing and I agree with your comments for sure!
16 years as a sales rep — LOSER!
Did the poster ever apply for field or HQ management positions? If he has been a pharma rep for 16 years, it demonstrates a lack of ambition and talent. We see these loafers in a lot of sales forces. Time for him to grow up and take some risks in his career. I wouldn't have hired a rep with that amount of time in the field.
Did the poster ever apply for field or HQ management positions? If he has been a pharma rep for 16 years, it demonstrates a lack of ambition and talent. We see these loafers in a lot of sales forces. Time for him to grow up and take some risks in his career. I wouldn't have hired a rep with that amount of time in the field.

An example of a disgraceful comment. I bet this person is a major loser in their personal life. Keep projecting!
Did the poster ever apply for field or HQ management positions? If he has been a pharma rep for 16 years, it demonstrates a lack of ambition and talent. We see these loafers in a lot of sales forces. Time for him to grow up and take some risks in his career. I wouldn't have hired a rep with that amount of time in the field.

It also could demonstrate commitment to family and friends. Lifelong bonds. Things that actually matter. Why move to some shitty giant city when you can check on your aging parents twenty minutes away, have coffee with long time friends, and live a life a life less harried. Maybe your ambition is pointed the wrong way.
It also could demonstrate commitment to family and friends. Lifelong bonds. Things that actually matter. Why move to some shitty giant city when you can check on your aging parents twenty minutes away, have coffee with long time friends, and live a life a life less harried. Maybe your ambition is pointed the wrong way.

what a dumb response from the person who said lack of ambition. Poster above is spot on. It’s all about quality of life and that’s a personal decision. Want to jump into the fishbowl and land of non stop meetings? Go for it. And 6 months in let us all know how that’s working for you!
Did the poster ever apply for field or HQ management positions? If he has been a pharma rep for 16 years, it demonstrates a lack of ambition and talent. We see these loafers in a lot of sales forces. Time for him to grow up and take some risks in his career. I wouldn't have hired a rep with that amount of time in the field.
Totally agree. Sales is not for the Mr. Rogers of the world. We need aggressive and achievement oriented reps .
what a dumb response from the person who said lack of ambition. Poster above is spot on. It’s all about quality of life and that’s a personal decision. Want to jump into the fishbowl and land of non stop meetings? Go for it. And 6 months in let us all know how that’s working for you!

Can’t expect much from a troll with no life who pretends to be different people. Pitiful and scary.
Did the poster ever apply for field or HQ management positions? If he has been a pharma rep for 16 years, it demonstrates a lack of ambition and talent. We see these loafers in a lot of sales forces. Time for him to grow up and take some risks in his career. I wouldn't have hired a rep with that amount of time in the field.

OMG the most moronic and idiotic response ever. This clearly shows your extreme lack of intelligence. How about someone that is great at sales? Being a manager does not equate to ambition at all and definitely not talent. In fact, there are many managers that did very poorly in sales. Incredibly ambitious sales people know that they are excellent at what they do and inspire and show their incredible talent year after year in several different disease states and can sell anything. Great companies seek senior salespeople that have the experience and skills to sell anything in any environment. Sad you don't see that fool. Let me guess...you've been a sales rep for under 5 years? Go away ass.
OMG the most moronic and idiotic response ever. This clearly shows your extreme lack of intelligence. How about someone that is great at sales? Being a manager does not equate to ambition at all and definitely not talent. In fact, there are many managers that did very poorly in sales. Incredibly ambitious sales people know that they are excellent at what they do and inspire and show their incredible talent year after year in several different disease states and can sell anything. Great companies seek senior salespeople that have the experience and skills to sell anything in any environment. Sad you don't see that fool. Let me guess...you've been a sales rep for under 5 years? Go away ass.
Bahahaha! 16 years a rep = Lazy Loser