Maybe the poster is on a yoga break and surfing the web.
Maybe the poster doesn't work banker's hours and is on their own time.
Maybe the poster is on a yoga break and surfing the web.
Maybe the poster is on a yoga break and surfing the web.
yYur company sucks and you are going down . Who cares who buys you all will be fired because of posts like this good bye loosers.
You should know, if you were there and work for Solstas.
So, you're telling us that the majority of sales reps consistently FAIL to attain quota? Very interesting sales "leadership" if that's the case.
The reason mgmt is cutting everywhere except sales comp is because they are trying to keep the numbers pretty for the sale of the company. Turnover in sales and failing to bring in new business are huge red flags for prospective buyers.
Even if phlebotomy accounts are only bringing in $15k/month then the Acoount Execs are still bringing down $200,000 in pay. Even us couriers can do the math!
Like someone said - we can't even get a 50 cent pay raise!
How's that whole NO PAY RAISE thing working out for you sucker Phlebotomists and Couriers?
I sure did enjoy my trip to Mexico, all expenses paid!!! Now quit your whining and do your job!
LOL! Doubt you took a trip around the block.
The phlebotomists took a trip to the freakin' poorhouse!
Wow, be glad your going to be purchased, only a matter of time the ship would sink with attitudes
like these, no team at all, work for someone else , better chance of some working enviroment vs none,,,
You have no idea how bad it is to work for LabCrap! If you are that unhappy, then do us all a favor and leave.
I spent time in the LabCrap Prison and made no money. The Comp. Plan sucks and the Management is the worst in the industry.
Be careful what you wish for!
Notice the majority of the people they canned came from LabCorp!!!!!!! HMMMMMM