Self-hating pork like you is America's biggest problem and why it is falling down - two many money-grubbing mba crooks in positions of leadership and not enough actual innovators (i.e. steve jobs). Guys like you just move pieces of paper around and game the system for personal benefit. You and your brethren are a huge part of the downfall of this once great nation. You think because you have some money and went to good schools that you have earned respect. You are only respected by similar shallow assholes that believe their bank account determines their worth.
Chew on that this weekend, no talent ass-clown crook!
Chew on that this weekend, no talent ass-clown crook!
well now my little porker friends, its your favorite vi-pee. do you miss me? can't you see? what's meant to be. let me share with you my an abbott vip with many social friends at hospiree. my options are personal investments that were unloaded at the top of the mountain of gleeeeeee!!!! now you see.
hospiree was and is just a pilot (that is a test run you sales nitwits).
so, Ms. Sykes, that fine juris prudent needs to guide this $92,000,000 matter by getting her rubber stamp that says, afffirmed, and blotting it on the little ink pad.
are we at abbott arrogant enough to steal in front of the appeals court in broad daylight? in a game 5 times bigger than the little piggy company? yep, and we still have the option to buy you back, we get first shot before synergy breaks you up for the big monster. feed the monster. feed the monster. you have it backwards, my dear friends, the problem is:
you like pork and not steak. nitwits, all of you, porking nitwits.