9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit

Worst company ever, a bunch of used car salesmen and instagram models. They talk compliance and then you get out in field with crap orders coming in an you make zero money unless you hit all the gray areas. I love it how you have 3 HA products that have zero insurance coverage. THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY MEDICARE PATIENTS THAT NEED HA.

So glad to be gone

The reps that stumbled into the Biohazard trap should take this opportunity of a good job market to find a job with better future opportunities. Biohazard has declining products and Exogen is ineffective, anyway. The best have left already. Make your family proud- leave the Biohazard today!

Have to disagree about exogen being ineffective. In my years, I have seen it improve hundreds of patient’s lives. Even had patients who failed on every competitor device. As for leadership being dumbasses - completely agree. I keep the job for the healthcare benefits. Side gig pays the money. I stopped worrying about awards and recognition and simply worked to keep the job. Will admit that having my dos working a side gig as well , allows me some protection. Anyway, stay , go, omplain , don’t complain- do what you have to do. The company really doesn’t care. Hasn’t cared about you since the MA/AD days.

None of this really matters as the company considers a "certified sauna consultant, a restaurant hostess, a pizza delivery guy, a au pair and a used car salesman as qualifying work experience to sell our medical device. Whatever happened to "medical device sales experience" as a qualification for a BV sales job. Oh that's right, those people would see through the BS from BV. Have trained more sales classes than I can count and the talent pool isn't even a bird bath.
Biohazzard is borderline med device company at best