9 months in with Forest, no prior pharma. Got job lined up, JUMP NOW??

You're the dip shit loser because you're a bad listener and don't think. I'm not the one asking total strangers what to do with my life. The OP asked so I told him /her based on THEIR situation.

This OP HAS 9 months with Forest so they're making what? $58,000? My situation is way different. I have 9 years with the company and won prez club so if you don't know, they give heavy raises based on performance. Can this person go out and find another job paying them $58,000? Absolutely! (They said they already have something lined up). Can I just go out and find a job that pays me $98,000 plus a car etc.? Not to mention the time I spent building relationships with offices and get me in with customers where others can't? No, it's going to take a while.

So hold your maliciousness if you miss the point, asshole.

Ha! Yeah sounds like this dude has done nothing to create that landing pad. 20k might be a little low, 35k?

I like how these lifers think the "relationships" they have at offices are something totally unique. Anyone that is self aware and a little more than halfway likable can have "amazing relationships" with the staff and doctors.

You are over rating yourself old man and the sad part is you don't know it. Its one thing undersell and over deliver but in this biz tenured reps do more complaining and nay saying than anything else.

When you do get canned I hope you are competing against a bunch of young eager and cheap candidates. Oh, and bring your P club plaque and while you are sitting and waiting to go in the interview I want you to think about this, do YOU care you the employee of the month was and Burger King?


Ha! Yeah sounds like this dude has done nothing to create that landing pad. 20k might be a little low, 35k?

I like how these lifers think the "relationships" they have at offices are something totally unique. Anyone that is self aware and a little more than halfway likable can have "amazing relationships" with the staff and doctors.

You are over rating yourself old man and the sad part is you don't know it. Its one thing undersell and over deliver but in this biz tenured reps do more complaining and nay saying than anything else.

When you do get canned I hope you are competing against a bunch of young eager and cheap candidates. Oh, and bring your P club plaque and while you are sitting and waiting to go in the interview I want you to think about this, do YOU care you the employee of the month was and Burger King?


I will read this crap once a week. It generally results in the Wal-Mart, I am better than you burger flipper. Eventually, we all end were we started - at Wal-Mart and burger king.
This is a new world. We are all just lowly workers trying to pay the bills. The difference between Wal-Mart and a Pharma company are small.

You're the dip shit loser because you're a bad listener and don't think. I'm not the one asking total strangers what to do with my life. The OP asked so I told him /her based on THEIR situation.

This OP HAS 9 months with Forest so they're making what? $58,000? My situation is way different. I have 9 years with the company and won prez club so if you don't know, they give heavy raises based on performance. Can this person go out and find another job paying them $58,000? Absolutely! (They said they already have something lined up). Can I just go out and find a job that pays me $98,000 plus a car etc.? Not to mention the time I spent building relationships with offices and get me in with customers where others can't? No, it's going to take a while.

So hold your maliciousness if you miss the point, asshole.

RD here on monitor: Please appologize for this disgusting post. A Rep with 9 years should know better. You are not Pclub material.

I will read this crap once a week. It generally results in the Wal-Mart, I am better than you burger flipper. Eventually, we all end were we started - at Wal-Mart and burger king.
This is a new world. We are all just lowly workers trying to pay the bills. The difference between Wal-Mart and a Pharma company are small.

What in the hell? Please explain what the hell you mean by this. Why would you read that post every week?

The difference between Walmart and Pharma sales is at least. $50k and a company car. You're a fool to your whole family, likely a very stupid opinionated gasbag who enjoys hearing themselves talk. Hey buddy, no one is listening to you.

The difference between Walmart and Pharma sales is at least. $50k and a company car. You're a fool to your whole family, likely a very stupid opinionated gasbag who enjoys hearing themselves talk. Hey buddy, no one is listening to you.

You are. Thanks for the reply. Question. Do you feel really silly about your job at 11:00 am when you serve coffee or at 12:00 when you serve lunch and clean up the paper plates?
Fucking useless drug rep. Now go get some more signatures and drive safe!

You're the dip shit loser because you're a bad listener and don't think. I'm not the one asking total strangers what to do with my life. The OP asked so I told him /her based on THEIR situation.

This OP HAS 9 months with Forest so they're making what? $58,000? My situation is way different. I have 9 years with the company and won prez club so if you don't know, they give heavy raises based on performance. Can this person go out and find another job paying them $58,000? Absolutely! (They said they already have something lined up). Can I just go out and find a job that pays me $98,000 plus a car etc.? Not to mention the time I spent building relationships with offices and get me in with customers where others can't? No, it's going to take a while.

So hold your maliciousness if you miss the point, asshole.
I pitty the fool... your prez club means jack outside of Forest. Building relationships? more like delivering food weekly to get a sig for 1 sample. Get ready for reality. now your robotic presentation will be "welcome to walmart, would you like a cart"

'Relationships with my docs' gets a lot of hype by those super reps..unless you're the docs brother in law, frat brother, neighbor or any other real social connection outside of work..most of those 'relationship' docs probably consider you a good rep, not somebody that pisses them off and waste their time and they appreciate that..if you get gone tomorrow, how many are going to call to ask where you've been, can they help you out (yes they already have a recommendation letter saved from the past waves of layoffs, just change the name/date at top and come by and pick it up)..the world will keep turning without super rep calling on them.

You are. Thanks for the reply. Question. Do you feel really silly about your job at 11:00 am when you serve coffee or at 12:00 when you serve lunch and clean up the paper plates?
Fucking useless drug rep. Now go get some more signatures and drive safe!

RD on monitor duty:: our reps have potential. Your post is crap. We only need to fix the 35% fake call rate.

'Relationships with my docs' gets a lot of hype by those super reps..unless you're the docs brother in law, frat brother, neighbor or any other real social connection outside of work..most of those 'relationship' docs probably consider you a good rep, not somebody that pisses them off and waste their time and they appreciate that..if you get gone tomorrow, how many are going to call to ask where you've been, can they help you out (yes they already have a recommendation letter saved from the past waves of layoffs, just change the name/date at top and come by and pick it up)..the world will keep turning without super rep calling on them.

The relationship game is way over played by those attempting to redeem their corporate welfare check. The relationship person = three washed up primary care docs on the East side and they are the new national leader is particular disease state when interviewing.

Ask yourself. What would change if stopped entering offices? Nothing. They are better off without standing in the way.

As for hiring managers and the relationship quest, They will claim relationships are key and will then hire the rack jobber from Hostess or girl at the cosmetic counter at Nordstrom's. True.

Anyone who talks bad about this job is a jealous hater, this job has bought me multiple properties the freedom let me make twice my salary here on the side, actually this would be more on the side, think about it this guy is coming on a pharmacy board to talk shit about our job, loser

Anyone who talks bad about this job is a jealous hater, this job has bought me multiple properties the freedom let me make twice my salary here on the side, actually this would be more on the side, think about it this guy is coming on a pharmacy board to talk shit about our job, loser

"Multiple properties". The single family fixer you and your cousins pooled to purchase is not a multiple properties. Silly guy. Drug rep.

what a loser heater idiot you can't be further off everything I post is 100% true just because you've done nothing with your income from your job doesn't mean everyone's a loser like you

"Multiple properties". The single family fixer you and your cousins pooled to purchase is not a multiple properties. Silly guy. Drug rep.

what's even funnier is how stupid you are you can google my name I wish you knew who I was and every property will come up next to my name your girl is hideous and everyone knows in your life sucks

Doing so well. Why are you an adult male delivering food to women all day?

lol! I just linzmessed my pants! Don't forget starbucks. Anyone can own multi properties but do you actually own them 100% out right? I don't think so. Probably have loan payments on multi homes. Also are the homes in prime cities like NY, Miami, Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston? or are they in rural ghetto areas? Quality not Quantity. This is something that Forest did not have a clue about hence the layoffs.

I knew a rep who lived in Arkansas, who owned a 50 lot trailer park, she doubled her income and then bought another trailer park a few years later. The point is to have a backup income because the easy life and income of a drug rep is drying up very fast.

I knew a rep who lived in Arkansas, who owned a 50 lot trailer park, she doubled her income and then bought another trailer park a few years later. The point is to have a backup income because the easy life and income of a drug rep is drying up very fast.

NOT SO FAST my friend. I am a SR DM. I pull down $177k a year managing 15 Reps. Yes I work hard and have to really keep an eye on the fake calls and other nonsense, and I still keep my husband very satisfied. How many rentals do I need to clesr $177k? Yes I work 60 hrs a week but the paycheck and perks are fabulous. A gal of 34 doing very well and a satisfied boss who appreciates the extra effort.

NOT SO FAST my friend. I am a SR DM. I pull down $177k a year managing 15 Reps. Yes I work hard and have to really keep an eye on the fake calls and other nonsense, and I still keep my husband very satisfied. How many rentals do I need to clesr $177k? Yes I work 60 hrs a week but the paycheck and perks are fabulous. A gal of 34 doing very well and a satisfied boss who appreciates the extra effort.

Rental real estate is a great sideline, honey. You may not do $177k but you get the checks every first of the month like clockwork. When you get tired of the bs you can retire from FRX.