Congratulations. Take the job. I left FRX in April and have doubled my salary. I work more efficiently and don't have an A-hole DM looking over my shoulder. I still have my share of phony / fake calls but my team lead here is clueless. We get 20% performance bonus every quarter. You probably can guess where I work. They also are in c-f website. One last thing....
Do not bring up your Forest work history as I found my new company has contempt for Forest reps. I'm surprised they even hired me but my sister is married to a senior manager and got me in.
Please don't listen to this idiot. You'll probably be fine
Please don't listen to this idiot. You'll probably be fine
Congratulations. Take the job. I left FRX in April and have doubled my salary. I work more efficiently and don't have an A-hole DM looking over my shoulder. I still have my share of phony / fake calls but my team lead here is clueless. We get 20% performance bonus every quarter. You probably can guess where I work. They also are in c-f website. One last thing....
Do not bring up your Forest work history as I found my new company has contempt for Forest reps. I'm surprised they even hired me but my sister is married to a senior manager and got me in.
That's a great SUCCESS STORY my friend. You may not have needed a RECRUITER as you had family connections, but for the AVERAGE REP a RECRUITER can bring home the bacon. Big raises, benefits and clear CAREER PATH to management responsibility. You reps out there who are worried about where tomorrows paycheck will come from should consider your recruiter as a friend.
A recruiter is as useful as tits on bacon. Place a simple add on Linked In and you can obtain 50 more than qualified reps in 48 hours. The top 5 are going to pretty damn shiny on paper too.
There are 60 thousand down-sized, fired or aged out reps clambering for a payroll check with health care. Screw the car, that's just a benefit.
The recruiter route is as promising as a travel agent, meter reader or drug rep.
Yeah just get the hell outta here. Hello don't you read the posts how this job / industry going nowhere? Haven't you figured it out for yourself? Why waste anymore time here? Why hold up a spot where maybe you leaving will allow someone on your team to not get laid off?
Yeah just get the hell outta here. Hello don't you read the posts how this job / industry going nowhere? Haven't you figured it out for yourself? Why waste anymore time here? Why hold up a spot where maybe you leaving will allow someone on your team to not get laid off?
You sound like a loser. I retained a pharma recruiter in June and have had 5 interviews in sales and 2 offers. Both with nice raises. The interviews went well because I was prepared to handle the questions on their concern about the poor reputation (I believe totally unfounded) about Forest sales people. My answer was that management was the problem. They bought it and I got the job. 28% raise company car and a good looking female partner (single).So don't knock the recruiters out there.
You sound like a loser. I retained a pharma recruiter in June and have had 5 interviews in sales and 2 offers. Both with nice raises. The interviews went well because I was prepared to handle the questions on their concern about the poor reputation (I believe totally unfounded) about Forest sales people. My answer was that management was the problem. They bought it and I got the job. 28% raise company car and a good looking female partner (single).So don't knock the recruiters out there.
Uhhh, sounds like YOU are still here. Whats the matter shit head? No prospects or are you one of these dump fucks that thinks your tenure with a company that no longer exsists is going to provide you with a years salary on the way out? You think sitting around jobless with a check for 20k after taxes some how is a victory? WRONG!
Good luck dip shit, hope your wife or husband is proud of their go-getter