
Hey dumb ass, they are adding $40,000 a year rep positions so the can layoff the $80,000 a year reps. Stop smoking the hashish and open your eyes. Every time people on here say that layoffs are coming some bonehead says "no way" but yet ever November they layoff. You better dust off your knee pads ladies and practice your oral skills if you still want a job here. For some of you this will be easy since you've been sucking wood the entire time. Don't forget to take care of your doctors, O.R. buyers and the coworkers that have been helping you survive!

Hey dumb ass, they are adding $40,000 a year rep positions so the can layoff the $80,000 a year reps. Stop smoking the hashish and open your eyes. Every time people on here say that layoffs are coming some bonehead says "no way" but yet ever November they layoff. You better dust off your knee pads ladies and practice your oral skills if you still want a job here. For some of you this will be easy since you've been sucking wood the entire time. Don't forget to take care of your doctors, O.R. buyers and the coworkers that have been helping you survive!

If you are only making $80k then you probably are going to lose your job because you suck..seriously? Who the heck is only making $80k here?

The base when I started with EES you had to have a STRONG history in sales acheivement. The base was $37K and you could make 2-3x that in additional variable. But that was when MIS adoption had a lot of upside and you had to drive and support adoption - while holding off COV. We were working till 10pm and Saturdays.

Problem is that they replaced people who knew how to sell with a ton of CTR's right out of college that were plenty happy with $50K - but soon wanted more. When they got to $100K they were like fat cats against their frat & sorority buddies still living at home. None of them are working past 2pm on any given day.

Then they ruined it more when they pushed the base up to $75K for Rep, $115K for Exec - never mind the "merit" increases.

They should have left them all as ASR's for much longer serving to cover cases.

The base when I started with EES you had to have a STRONG history in sales acheivement. The base was $37K and you could make 2-3x that in additional variable. But that was when MIS adoption had a lot of upside and you had to drive and support adoption - while holding off COV. We were working till 10pm and Saturdays.

Problem is that they replaced people who knew how to sell with a ton of CTR's right out of college that were plenty happy with $50K - but soon wanted more. When they got to $100K they were like fat cats against their frat & sorority buddies still living at home. None of them are working past 2pm on any given day.

Then they ruined it more when they pushed the base up to $75K for Rep, $115K for Exec - never mind the "merit" increases.

They should have left them all as ASR's for much longer serving to cover cases.

Former EP reps were making $250-$350k on a regular basis