Any rep positions posted yet? None in my area

Typically, the rep positions go up as the DM positions start to come down, meaning they've begun hiring the DM's. When they start hiring the DM's, the recruiters generally begin putting up positions since they have a DM available to start interviewing reps. This may not always be the case, but it has been a reliable way (in my experience on 5 contracts) to get a feel for when the rep positions will start to appear).

So far, the only changes to the originally posted DM positions is that the Gulf Coast and Dallas DM positions disappeared a few weeks ago. Not sure if those positions were eliminated or filled, but my guess is that they were eliminated (or rearranged) since there's been no other "hiring" movement in any other area. Ussually when 1 is hired, the rest are only days, possibly a week, behind. My recruiter said rep positions will be posted "sometime in October", but nothing more specific than that. It goes without saying that all of this depends on when (if) a contract is ultimately signed.