6517 Update?


Has anyone been through the DM and Regional interviews and been approved for hire? Has this this contract time line been changed and when will offers go out? To make the 9/19 start date we would need offers this week.

I was told offers would be going out after labor day. Start date would be the 19th.

That's consistent with what's been said since this project started. I guess it's time to stop posting opinions and stick with what our recruiters, FSMs, Janssen management and other friends inside Q have been telling us. I would prefer to know before a holiday weekend but there's a good chance that won't happen.

With the approval of Nucynta ER Im sure everyone with Janssen is a little busy...I know however that I am meeting with the RBD in my area next week so I expect an offer by the 9th or so which would make start date the 19th I believe

your current company will close you out within the 2 week timeframe. they always want their stuff back and would rather YOU not take THEIR time in setting up appointments for the new company. relax..it will work out.

Been trying to get an answer on timing, 2 FSMs and a Q recruiter say hopefully by tomorrow, Janssen DM and RD say next week. Word is that Irene power outage and Nucynta ER approval slowed the process so next week is when it all will happen.

Don't know about anyone else but I definately have to give a 2 week notice, so if we don't hear until after the holiday that will not be possible. I'm sure they know this is expected and customary at most companies.

Has anyone heard anything today? I really want to give 2 weeks notice as well, but I am too scared to do it without a written offer.

I accepted another offer this morning. They wanted answer by today so I took other job. Waited around too long for JnJ to make up their mind. Hope everything works out for those still waiting for a call/email/fedex, whatever.

I accepted another offer this morning. They wanted answer by today so I took other job. Waited around too long for JnJ to make up their mind. Hope everything works out for those still waiting for a call/email/fedex, whatever.

They are going to end up fucking themselves out of good people!

This is so unprofessional on their part. I hope a manager reads all these comments.

I have not heard a thing today. Congrats on taking the job that wanted an answer today. I would have done the same thing. It has been over 2 weeks for me waiting and I am also looking at other options.

I was told the same today by the Quintiles manager. He said to hang in there and he'll let me know asap when he can make an offer. Ditto to the above poster for taking the other job. This process has been so frustrating.

J&J's hiring process is slow and deliberate, we're caught up in that now. As far as giving your 2 weeks notice, who really cares what day you tell your current employer you're starting here. Give them a date 2 weeks after you accept your offer, regardless of the real date, start here on 9-19, and double dip for a couple days. Your current employer wants you to stop working immediately after you quit, don't sweat it.

Heard from Quintiles this AM and was told that they had hoped offers would go out today, but are shooting for next week. Awaiting the go ahead from JnJ. JEEEEZZZZ!

Does anyone not realize that for the last few days they have been in meetings launching Nucynta ER? Thats why there has been delay. Expect offers to go out next week after Labor Day