6517 Janssen Rollover Positions

Some folks are getting hired...but not all.

This company is pure, unadulterated excrement, produced by the management orifices who populate it.

Don't plan on getting a J&J job if you're older, or more expensive, or if a manager somewhere has a buddy, or some other manager requests a "favor."

If you want a friend at work, volunteer at an animal rescue organization. You won't find any friends at J&J, not now, not ever.

True. Trust no one here.

Don't want to? then don't inteview..simple. Contract changes will not be made. Q will be retained. why wouldn't u want to flip?


Scenario: You have a relatively new car. Janssen offers you a 5% bump in pay, but they don't mention that you will be docked $100/mo for "personal use of the fleet vehicle."

You lose the mileage reimbursement, of course.

You pay SS, Medicare, and Fed/State income tax on that 5% bump, at the highest marginal rates. You net MAYBE 55% of it, minus $1200 for the car.

If you keep your personal car from before, it is depreciating (or you're making payments on it) every month.

Bottom line: The only thing you're getting is eventually vested in the pension. That's assuming the diabetes drug gets approved and Obamacare doesn't gut this industry, taking your job away in a year or three.

This is NOT a clear cut slam dunk.

congrats on second interview. what area? heard from another rep that lots of star questions on managed care and sales call ie closings do u know when they plan on sending u to training?