6517 Janssen Rollover Positions

Is anyone else hearing that Janssen is going to cut the number of quintiles positions after they fill the expansion positions? If you don't get one of those, you may be out

Was told by manager as well as Evan on conference call that they are keeping current roles for quintiles despite the expansion.. For those that want to stay on contract or not selected for jnj role then quintiles position is still there. Well see......

Was told by manager as well as Evan on conference call that they are keeping current roles for quintiles despite the expansion.. For those that want to stay on contract or not selected for jnj role then quintiles position is still there. Well see......

Dont put your head in the sand, just ask the BI reps that were let go Friday. Dont believe a word anyone in upper management says at ANY pharam company.

Is everyone having to interview for perm position? I heard of a few in the south that just got flipped into the expansion roles. Whats the story????

Some folks are getting hired...but not all.

This company is pure, unadulterated excrement, produced by the management orifices who populate it.

Don't plan on getting a J&J job if you're older, or more expensive, or if a manager somewhere has a buddy, or some other manager requests a "favor."

If you want a friend at work, volunteer at an animal rescue organization. You won't find any friends at J&J, not now, not ever.

Some folks are getting hired...but not all.

[Don't plan on getting a J&J job if you're older, or more expensive, or if a manager somewhere has a buddy, or some other manager requests a "favor."

You won't find any friends at J&J, not now, not ever.

JNJ will use you and lie to cya their buddy who is useless.
good ol boys club and Evan is a part of the game to keep his job

read the signs
taking away cardio targets, giving JNJ rep accolates that aren't earned (taking credit for your work), adding unnecessary stress on field rides or conference calls that you do not deserve

I am interviewing for an opening and I am currently on the contract. My DM said I am the lead candidate but we still have to do this interviewing thing. Has anyone interviewed and been beat by an outside candidate? What are you hearing about salaries?

I am interviewing for an opening and I am currently on the contract. My DM said I am the lead candidate but we still have to do this interviewing thing. Has anyone interviewed and been beat by an outside candidate? What are you hearing about salaries?

Depends on experience....most are getting at least a 5% bump over Q salary.

I am interviewing for an opening and I am currently on the contract. My DM said I am the lead candidate but we still have to do this interviewing thing. Has anyone interviewed and been beat by an outside candidate? What are you hearing about salaries?

Also hear 5% is typical.

Yes, I know of at least one rep, a past J&J employee, who was not hired for an opening.

If you want a friend at work, bring your dog with you because no one in Janssen is your friend, even if they put on that mask when you're looking their way.

J&J is a great place to work if you are a manager who can scratch another manager's back in Quid-Pro-Quo Land. If you are (or were) a rep, you might as well just write your WWID on your forehead because that's all you'll ever be to the organization.

JNJ will use you and lie to cya their buddy who is useless.
good ol boys club and Evan is a part of the game to keep his job

read the signs
taking away cardio targets, giving JNJ rep accolates that aren't earned (taking credit for your work), adding unnecessary stress on field rides or conference calls that you do not deserve

had Jansen interview for Quintiles-they looked at me (age issue), and basically disqualified me on-site-VERY qualified-blatant discrimination...