What part of the country or region did they hire Quintiles managers?
I do believe that Dan wants to rehire successful Quintiles / Novaquest people.
Somehow, throughout the interview process for good managers or even reps who have worked for Quintiles, something happens, whether it is at the recruiter level or at a next steps level, great managers and reps are not being brought back in.
I have done a search of hired people with Novaquest on Linkedin. I am so surprised that some, not all, but some, have a sales background as a realtor, or other unrelated backgrounds. Why would someone with this background be hired?
There are probably 300 managers and reps who were successful in the past, built Novaquest and would love to come back.
So, I wonder if the Novaquest newly rehired past managers came from a certain part of the country or if they were rehired from the same regional manager?
The final decisions are really made by the client. They can be very specific in terms of experience, given the current job market, and get what they want. I would guess that little depends on past Q or NQ experience, from the client's perspective.