Expand from 10 to 30 DM's and 100 to 300 reps. DM interviews are being schedule with start date of March 28. Reps start in May.

Thanks for your post . . . sounds good and you sound trustworthy.

I was on the 6122 project with good numbers and APR for 2009. Love to come back to Nova Quest.

Currently my car allowance is 500/month and mileage is 0.15, is this contract comparable?

Thanks for your post . . . sounds good and you sound trustworthy.

I was on the 6122 project with good numbers and APR for 2009. Love to come back to Nova Quest.

Currently my car allowance is 500/month and mileage is 0.15, is this contract comparable?

I interviewed for a DM position. Car allowance is $650/month with a gas card. Interviews for reps will be in April with a May 9 start date. Training and a national launch meeting for expanded sales force at the end of May.

Will they want reps with or without pharma experience?

Do you know if they will hire past Novaquest Reps?

Will it help if a rep sold a product for rheumatoid arthritis and that they called on Rheumatologists?

I interviewed for a DM position. Car allowance is $650/month with a gas card. Interviews for reps will be in April with a May 9 start date. Training and a national launch meeting for expanded sales force at the end of May.

Yes, that was really nice of you to take the time to post some info...most of us are experienced, downsized reps on this site just trying to get another Pharma job..sigh.

Anyway, thanks!!

The managers got notified friday if they got the job or not..so hopefully things should start moving here in a week or two. I heard the quintiles managers will be more involved in sales and numbers rather than just administrative aspect.

The managers got notified friday if they got the job or not..so hopefully things should start moving here in a week or two. I heard the quintiles managers will be more involved in sales and numbers rather than just administrative aspect.

Are you the "Perfect Post" person from above?
Hope it turned out well for you.


To person who respnded on #12. True, many of us are experienced, and have been with Novaquest MORE than 5 years.

The challenge is trying to get past the recruiter who does not see this as a positive. Some of us in larger cities are dealing with recruiter/ s who tell us we are not what the newer contract wants.

Yes, we have the experience, even with good / great company names. Also, with a long history of proven success and increasing market share and share growth. many of our managers have retired.

Why is it that some reps are hired by managers of the new / newer contract while many of us have to go through a recruiter who has been with the company for less than 2 years? They do not know the history of Novaquest / Novaquest Sales or even our success.

People with outside pharma sales are being hired over us.

If you are a Quintiles rep I advise you to look elsewhere. My ex manager said they only hired 7 internal DM candidates. So that means the new managers from outside won't have allegiance to those of us who have worked so hard for this company. What happened to Quintiles taking care of their own?

What part of the country or region did they hire Quintiles managers?

I do believe that Dan wants to rehire successful Quintiles / Novaquest people.

Somehow, throughout the interview process for good managers or even reps who have worked for Quintiles, something happens, whether it is at the recruiter level or at a next steps level, great managers and reps are not being brought back in.

I have done a search of hired people with Novaquest on Linkedin. I am so surprised that some, not all, but some, have a sales background as a realtor, or other unrelated backgrounds. Why would someone with this background be hired?

There are probably 300 managers and reps who were successful in the past, built Novaquest and would love to come back.

So, I wonder if the Novaquest newly rehired past managers came from a certain part of the country or if they were rehired from the same regional manager?