I interviewed for this position and was told by the manager that they would decide next week and then I got a "this position has been filled e-mail" soon after the interview. The interview went really well, no objections, very well qualified, etc....Did this happen to anyone else?

I interviewed for this position and was told by the manager that they would decide next week and then I got a "this position has been filled e-mail" soon after the interview. The interview went really well, no objections, very well qualified, etc....Did this happen to anyone else?

I got the email today. I thought I was in. The recruiter asked me if I could hold of on my other offer for a day and then I got that email. Too bad I was just using the "I have other things in the works" and still have no job. More unemployment.

Has anyone noticed that when you work with recruiters they are only nice when they think you have a chance with the employers, but as soon as the company chooses someone else they just drop you like a hot potato? I think the recruiters or the hiring managers should be a lot more human and tell the candidates they chose someone else and give constructive feedback in this extremely competitive market!

Was anyone told in the interview more specifics on Colcrys? There is the generic colchicine.
Would we be selling against the generic?

Hiring manager said that patent on Colcyrs allow them exclusivity (vs. generics) and that generics would have to be removed from the market for next three years. Manager couldn't share (didn't know) when generics would be removed or any more specifics.

I interviewed for this position and was told by the manager that they would decide next week and then I got a "this position has been filled e-mail" soon after the interview. The interview went really well, no objections, very well qualified, etc....Did this happen to anyone else?

Hmm... I interviewed over a week ago and haven't heard a thing. Sorry to hear you are not moving forward. For anyone else that hasn't heard anything, do you think you are still in the running? Wondering how many offers went out last week.

I interviewed and got a call from the hiring manager. He hired someone else with more experience... I have been in pharma for 15 years! Anyway I though tit was nice he called me personally and I have a lot of respect for him. Truth be known, I really didn't want to sell a medication for gout!

I interviewed and got a call from the hiring manager. He hired someone else with more experience... I have been in pharma for 15 years! Anyway I though it was nice he called me personally and I have a lot of respect for him. Truth be known, I really didn't want to sell a medication for gout!

Is no news good news? I called the recruiter today to see where they are at on offers. Recruiter said to inquire with hiring DM. Would love to hear what others have heard regarding their candidacy!

NOTHING FOR ME EITHER.... NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING!!!!! Just say something... This whole waiting thing is stupid... Man if I were a DM you guys would have known the next day!

I interviewed Monday (Oct. 11) in Florida-Hiring manager said would hear by the end of the week/beginning of next week. Questions probably vary by hiring manager/DM- he asked me a lot of behavioral/situtional questions. Every territory is probably different as far as how quickly they are making a decision depending on how many other positions they are also hiring for. Obviously they need to make decisions quickly if the start date is Nov 2nd!

I was told by standard email that I did not get the job late Monday night. I just received a call from the hiring manager who told me it was a tough decision. I am bummed because I really need a damn job, what can you do but keep moving forward. This industry sucks....

I just might have to get out and take a huge paycut