6326 - Managers Meeting this week.

Agreed. And no, I did not "drink the koolaid". So much speculation with no basis in fact. I guess the bottomline is this- we are not under contract, URL is. As reps, we were not promised a set amount of time. We are working and being paid. That's it. There are no broken promises and there is no stability in pharmaceuticals. Anywhere. Those days are long gone. On the plus side, Innovex/Quintiles is one of the best and most respected contract companies is existance. They will get more contracts. Big Pharma (and Little Pharma) will continue to see the benefit of a contract force and it is the wave of the future. Finish this contract strong and don't jeopardize future employment opportunites based on rumors. Now go have a cocktail and enjoy the long weekend!

The clause in the contract says if the contract ends before completion then URL is to pay Quintiles 60 days. The salesforce is Quintiles product. No they don't have to pay the salesforce 60 days but they have in the past and should here. The URL contract is or was the most lucrative contract quintiles has. We are what made it lucrative. If Quintiles does not take care of the people on their contracts then good sales people will be less likely go to work for them. Their product will deteriorate. It's bad business not to take care of us.

all points here are good, but really, ALL ANYONE wants is an answer!!!! a date!!!! i think most people would be in a better frame of mind if someone would officially say yes, 60 days severance....yes, june 1....or whatever date. maybe they don't know, but if we can come up with timing and questions to how it would work to end or copromote, then they have to have asked those too. come on.....just stop the "no one knows" and tell something becaus someone does know. what about release dates for jobs that are posted. why do you have to put us on hold, the deals are done with url, we have to move forward....people it is summer, we have arrangements to make, life to live....what are you telling your daycare? how are you planning on living because the bills won't stop? and don't be surprised when may 31 comes around and then after bonuses are paid out, then people really will start dropping like flies!!! moving on because they have to.

As always, do what you have to do to take of you and your family. This is a contract, no promises, we all knew that going in...if people start 'dropping like flies', there are pleantly more folks waiting in the wings for an opportunity.. And remember, whether you are contract sales force, or direct pharma sales force, positions come and go, downsizing occurs almost as much as contracts end....figure it out, and do what you need to do for your own survival.

all points here are good, but really, ALL ANYONE wants is an answer!!!! a date!!!! i think most people would be in a better frame of mind if someone would officially say yes, 60 days severance....yes, june 1....or whatever date. maybe they don't know, but if we can come up with timing and questions to how it would work to end or copromote, then they have to have asked those too. come on.....just stop the "no one knows" and tell something becaus someone does know. what about release dates for jobs that are posted. why do you have to put us on hold, the deals are done with url, we have to move forward....people it is summer, we have arrangements to make, life to live....what are you telling your daycare? how are you planning on living because the bills won't stop? and don't be surprised when may 31 comes around and then after bonuses are paid out, then people really will start dropping like flies!!! moving on because they have to.

Hey idiot. We get a 60 day notice and it's over on June 1st. Quit using all your energy on this board and take your meds. It's YOU who can't accept what you've heard. Shut up, look for a job and see a psychiatrist. The facts are in front of you.

So by your reasoning, because we do a learning loop on ethics they should pay us severence?

It is not an entitlement, the world is tough, they don't owe us anything but what they promised:temporary employment.

Grow up, suck it up and look for a job. Or someone to baby-sit you.

Listen meat-head, you are correct, it is not an entitlement. Entitled means you get something you didn't put any sweat equity into. So if you sat on your butt for week after week and did not bust your ass like me, then you are correct, you are not entitled to any more money.
And if anyone or company is going to preach ethics and doing the right thing, they DAMN WELL BETTER DO THE SAME! And spell check--severance is spelled severance, not severence.

Listen meat-head, you are correct, it is not an entitlement. Entitled means you get something you didn't put any sweat equity into. So if you sat on your butt for week after week and did not bust your ass like me, then you are correct, you are not entitled to any more money.
And if anyone or company is going to preach ethics and doing the right thing, they DAMN WELL BETTER DO THE SAME! And spell check--severance is spelled severance, not severence.

OK I'll spell check.

There is no breach of ethiks hear. Relax. u Are woond two tite.

To the Bully on this board. We all come here for answers we can not seem to find anywhere else, so please GO AWAY! We all want the same thing and your insults are not what we are looking for!

The clause in the contract says if the contract ends before completion then URL is to pay Quintiles 60 days. The salesforce is Quintiles product. No they don't have to pay the salesforce 60 days but they have in the past and should here. The URL contract is or was the most lucrative contract quintiles has. We are what made it lucrative. If Quintiles does not take care of the people on their contracts then good sales people will be less likely go to work for them. Their product will deteriorate. It's bad business not to take care of us.

You are a class act Quintiles. That's why you will always be the best CSO company. You take care of your product and I for one thank you!

You can thank URL, they are paying it, not Quintiles. They don't give a shit whether you find something else or not. If you think they do, then you are an idiot. All contracts have the 60 day clause in them. The extra 2 months that you are getting is from URL. Sometimes, Quintiles tells you in the 30 day mark and sometime in the 60 day mark. It all depends on what the customer wants to do.

You can thank URL, they are paying it, not Quintiles. They don't give a shit whether you find something else or not. If you think they do, then you are an idiot. All contracts have the 60 day clause in them. The extra 2 months that you are getting is from URL. Sometimes, Quintiles tells you in the 30 day mark and sometime in the 60 day mark. It all depends on what the customer wants to do.

OMG you are such a sad sack. Have you ever paid a cent more the amount you owed someone? Quintiles has been nothing but fair. So just chill.

i am not an idiot. i enjoyed working for Quintiles. i know where the money comes from and who I should be thankful for. Relax, calm down.

In the end, Quintiles is a class act.