$500 Lunch Budget for us while AZ Reps get $1200

As an AZ rep... I have written a rap to express my prowess.

I'm an AZ rep yo!

U need to pay yo respecks bro!

I'm gonna send yo ass ta school cuz us AZ reps be cool!!

U Better stop ya jealin' cuz us AZ reps be sellin'...while ya sit their like a fool wishin' you was not some contract fool!

Gonna use u like a tool cuz us AZ reps rule!
love the passion, i feel you sonny-no go blend the honey

Our AZ counterparts are getting approximately 2 1/2 times the lunch budget we are and now they too are starting to complain. Now we are asking them if they can pay for OUR lunches that we have scheduled. I can't see half of my physicians without a lunch. I have more years in the field than my AZ counterparts yet they still get a higher salary & company vehicle. Now, they even get more resources to do their job! That $500 might pay for 3 lunches - that is 3 days folks - meaning the other 17 work days on the month I am not typically having sit down conversations. We need more lunch money. Give us more lunch money and less samples if need be, but please give us more lunch money!!!!

relax. you have a better job than those midgets. the fact that you don't realize that is a reflection of how much you "don't get it". PSS has the most difficult training in the industry, and you made it…so just "give them what they deserve" at this point…now, do you get it?

if you are too ambitious to not get it, then find another company to work for.