450 to be laid off at Zimmer


450 people to be laid off the next few days. Dvorak is without a doubt the worst CEO/Leader in history. He has no clue how to run a company or motivate people. When is the board going to wake up and get rid of this guy along with Crines.

From all departments it's a RIF. They need the money to boost the bottom line to make up for lousy sale numbers. Really sad to see what one man has done to a great company. The BOD should be ashamed of themselves for letting this egomaniacal psychotic man ruin this company and the lives of many great people.

Not BS. Meetings being held to inform everyone of the layoffs. Trying to cover for bad sales and the Obama tax on devices. That's the BS part, when long time, hard working, dedicated and loyal employees are tossed out for short term profits!

Try 50 ...

More symptomatic to overhiring and the urge to clean house of superannuated employees that can be replaced by temps. There is no loyality in the corporate world. If you look at most resumes on Linked in the people who make these kind of decisions never stay anywhere for very long.

They are just up to thier usual tricks... fudging the bottom line.. in 5 years they will be swamped and most everyone will be hired back somwhere else...

Above poster; you are wrong people are already spread so thin it's ridiculous. This is only a move to boost the bottom line so Dvorak, Crines, can keep their jobs a little longer. If they actually got out there started talking to surgeons and making products that were novel and worth the price premium they're asking then maybe the bottom line would be where they want it. Remember, Dvorak is a lawyer, lawyers are not business people, they just sit around and try to figure out how to blame the other guy.

50 is only in Warsaw, with the FDA in Puerto Rico, Warsaw and now in Minneapolis they aren't going to get rid of anyone in Quality and Regulatory that's for sure until this all blows over.

Rumor I hear is that corporate is cleaning house in preparation for a decent sized acquisition. Something in the $1B range. The real parlor game playing in Warsaw is guessing who is the bride-to-be.

With a stock price of $78 and change somebody is doing their job. Cutting the bottom 5% is hardly news since Zimmer took on the GE way of human resources. If they make a smart $1b acquisition, good for them.