44 Job Openings at Dey

...could it be that anyone who accepted a job here and those that stayed on after the acquistion...are losers?

It could be, and some are afraid to leave because of the economy, other companies are getting by with less people so it makes it harder to find something better, this company knows it....sad. It's been said before that if the economy were better, this place would be a ghost town.

As the saying goes: "Garbage in...Garbage out."

It can also be said this way:

Garbage in...Garbage out

Garbage in...Garbage stayed in.

Not garbage in...Not garbage out.

Unfortunately, there's a garbage dump in here (MCB is just one example at EMSAM in CA), the dump is still alive and well and still active in Dey. It's enough to make you puke every day before coming to work, what a way to live. If the economy allowed it, me and many others would leave this stinky dump.