44 Job Openings at Dey


This is insane. I was just checking the Dey Career website on Mylan's site, and there are 44 open jobs!!
Why is the home office such a revolving door?
In this tight economy there should be zero openings, poor Dey and Mylan, what a joke.

This is insane. I was just checking the Dey Career website on Mylan's site, and there are 44 open jobs!!
Why is the home office such a revolving door?
In this tight economy there should be zero openings, poor Dey and Mylan, what a joke.

Let's not get crazy here. There are currently 38 total job postings on Dey website. Those are for the entire year over all job descriptions. Not just reps. Only 8 rep jobs have been posted since beginning of year. Most are EMSAM. You can think what you want, but at least look at the entire picture instead of trying to whip up a notion of instability.

Nice try at spinning it HR rep..but it is what it is, and the open jobs speak volumes!

This is not spin. Just trying to add a little clarity to the subject. If you think 38 job postings over an 8 month period for a company of over 300 people is a lot, so be it. If you think 8 reps for 8 months is a lot, more power to you. But the fact is, the OP is making it sound like there are 44 current openings in the sales dept. which just isn't true.

This is not spin. Just trying to add a little clarity to the subject. If you think 38 job postings over an 8 month period for a company of over 300 people is a lot, so be it. If you think 8 reps for 8 months is a lot, more power to you. But the fact is, the OP is making it sound like there are 44 current openings in the sales dept. which just isn't true.

E X C U S E M E!!!! "38" not "44", thank you, for that clarity! I don't think anyone said it was "44" reps. Don't you think "38" job openings for a very small company is a 'few' to many? I think it would serve you better to just dummy up on this one. EMSAM keeps chasing reps away due to many things but one would be, the west coast incompetent DM MCB!!! GAG me with her novel of lies! She is just one of many poor excuses this company has.

E X C U S E M E!!!! "38" not "44", thank you, for that clarity! I don't think anyone said it was "44" reps. Don't you think "38" job openings for a very small company is a 'few' to many? I think it would serve you better to just dummy up on this one. EMSAM keeps chasing reps away due to many things but one would be, the west coast incompetent DM MCB!!! GAG me with her novel of lies! She is just one of many poor excuses this company has.

I might add that '44' or '38' openings all at once is yes, a bit strange! And for a company of 300, again, yes, it's a bit strange. Get real...........

E X C U S E M E!!!! "38" not "44", thank you, for that clarity! I don't think anyone said it was "44" reps. Don't you think "38" job openings for a very small company is a 'few' to many? I think it would serve you better to just dummy up on this one. EMSAM keeps chasing reps away due to many things but one would be, the west coast incompetent DM MCB!!! GAG me with her novel of lies! She is just one of many poor excuses this company has.

Dude, take a pill. If you would take the time to read my post thru your inflamed eyeballs you would see that I said those 38 job postings were for YTD. I wouldn't be surprised if many of those positions have been filled. Either way, the only ones I really care about are the rep jobs. To me, 8 rep postings over an 8 month period doesn't seem excessive. If you think it's alot, fine, I don't really care. For the other non-rep postings, all you have to do is look at how specialized these postions are to understand that they are not quick fills. As for the PSR postings, I think 4 out of 196 is nothing about which to get excited.

As a rep myself, the original poster sounds a bit inflamed. Jeez, calm down. Are you here to moan and complain or do you have an actual solution?

A solution? Are you kidding? It's only reps like you and only reps like you that want to hear solutions.....won't help you though. Go ahead, solution away if it makes you feel better.

Dude, take a pill. If you would take the time to read my post thru your inflamed eyeballs you would see that I said those 38 job postings were for YTD. I wouldn't be surprised if many of those positions have been filled. Either way, the only ones I really care about are the rep jobs. To me, 8 rep postings over an 8 month period doesn't seem excessive. If you think it's alot, fine, I don't really care. For the other non-rep postings, all you have to do is look at how specialized these postions are to understand that they are not quick fills. As for the PSR postings, I think 4 out of 196 is nothing about which to get excited.

Oh, I see, 38 (44), I'll say it again, 38 (44), YTD......wow.... If you knew your facts and all the people that are no longer with us, it would be way more than the 38 that were posted. Obviously you care or you wouldn't be on here correcting everyone that's posting. You think you have it all figured out, but the only thing it shows is that you're a complete idiot about it. Inflamed eyeballs? How childish can you get?! I love the "specialized" positions comment....LOL

Oh, I see, 38 (44), I'll say it again, 38 (44), YTD......wow.... If you knew your facts and all the people that are no longer with us, it would be way more than the 38 that were posted. Obviously you care or you wouldn't be on here correcting everyone that's posting. You think you have it all figured out, but the only thing it shows is that you're a complete idiot about it. Inflamed eyeballs? How childish can you get?! I love the "specialized" positions comment....LOL

I thought inflamed eyeballs was pretty appropriate, not to mention original. You used 9 exclamation points not to mention your all caps "excuse me". And by the way, I know my facts. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got out, if you can, get out too! What a crazy place. Overworked and underpaid. Mylan is milking the cash cow as long as they can, once done, will shut doors and close shop.

A solution? Are you kidding? It's only reps like you and only reps like you that want to hear solutions.....won't help you though. Go ahead, solution away if it makes you feel better.

Your point being? I see, bitch, moan, bitch, moan. You're one of those reps. One of those losers who complains because you have no idea why you're failing and your life isn't up to your 7th grade dreams. Shut up and and give a solution rather than acting like you're still 13.

Marketing dept- a revolving door. We have had 3 VP's of Mark in last 3yrs;not to mention 5 different people as product managers for 2 products over last 2 yrs.

IC plan one of the worst in the industry-They brought in a guy ho specialized in IC plans but refused to allow him to anything.

President fired-priceless

VP of sales demoted to marketing, then 6 months later after then switched back to VP of Sales

Director of Sales operations in way over his head, data is always late, usually in accurate, always favors the house not the reps.

Director of Sales leaves company-thank God! Unfortunately now they have a person who is even more clueless then the last guy.

All DM's being miromanaged and told to document everything and build cases against "everyone" just in case.

Back to Metric based evaluations

1yr old HHC data determining your success or failure

Goals given with 2-3 weeks left in Quarter

OK, let's talk.


EpiPen Director Fired (AP)
EpiPen Director Left (TD)
VP Marketing Fired (MY)
Emsam Director Fired (NN)
Perforomist Product Manager Left (BJ)
Director of Sales (PC)

I can continue, madness not confined to Marketing.


CMO Fired (SM)
Sr. Manager Medical Fired (DWP)

The list goes on and on and on and. On......

Get the picture?

How can one company get rid of so many people for no good reason at all?