42% layoffs announced in NVS global innovative meds


Looks like you folks were right when talking about layoffs. 42% layoffs in Switzerland just announced for Marie-Frances’ global org including functions beyond commercial.

Grades 1-3 (director and above) put into consultation starting tomorrow and grades
4 and below will be dealt the blow in October.

I hear Victors org is facing similar challenges later this week….

Where is Vas on all of this? How can a company like this function with such perpetual chaos?

Answers on a postcard….


Looks like you folks were right when talking about layoffs. 42% layoffs in Switzerland just announced for Marie-Frances’ global org including functions beyond commercial.

Grades 1-3 (director and above) put into consultation starting tomorrow and grades
4 and below will be dealt the blow in October.
I hear Victors org is facing similar challenges later this week….

Where is Vas on all of this? How can a company like this function with such perpetual chaos?

Answers on a postcard….

Timing couldn’t be worse. Just when people are planning a break from this toxic environment, the axe falls. There is no human component left in this company. Culture- if such a thing still exists here- is rotten to the core.

This statement isn't fair. Timing could absolutely be worse. Try working for a company that has layoffs between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year (if you worked there you know who I'm talking about).
Every year. Over the holidays.
I understand you are frustrated (and maybe scared) but this is going to happen. Better to give people a long runway so they can get out of their own accord.

This statement isn't fair. Timing could absolutely be worse. Try working for a company that has layoffs between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year (if you worked there you know who I'm talking about).
Every year. Over the holidays.
I understand you are frustrated (and maybe scared) but this is going to happen. Better to give people a long runway so they can get out of their own accord.

I have experience in a company like that - worked there for 15 years escaping multiple rounds of cuts - but this is definitely worse. Lack of clarity, lack of efficient processes and support and constantly changing internal landscape means this will be death by a thousand cuts. Hopefully people will leave and find fulfilling roles in other companies… but that doesn’t mean they won’t be scarred or defeated. This process is always brutal no matter what time of the year it kicks off.

This statement isn't fair. Timing could absolutely be worse. Try working for a company that has layoffs between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year (if you worked there you know who I'm talking about).
Every year. Over the holidays.
I understand you are frustrated (and maybe scared) but this is going to happen. Better to give people a long runway so they can get out of their own accord.

I have experience in a company like that - worked there for 15 years escaping multiple rounds of cuts - but this is definitely worse. Lack of clarity, lack of efficient processes and support and constantly changing internal landscape means this will be death by a thousand cuts. Hopefully people will leave and find fulfilling roles in other companies… but that doesn’t mean they won’t be scarred or defeated. This process is always brutal no matter what time of the year it kicks off.

I think dropping knee jerk reaction change/ down sizing programmes at any time is terrible and then potentially dragging them out for months is heinous. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at thanksgiving/ Christmas or any other time of the year.

This will be death but a thousand cuts for all impacted, and we can only hope that people pull together to support each other. Particularly at a time when the world is going mad!