4 SPs quit on RBM and counting…

Unlike you fucknuts, I don’t work at this shitty company. I’m just wondering if you monkeys are ever going to DO YOUR JOBS and increase sales so the stock can go up, preferably higher than 5 MEASLY DOLLARS!

I dont work here either and I also wanted to make a buck off this once promising stock. Don't blame the reps though. They don't actually generate sales to the point where the stock price jumps. They do help to generate interest from certain docs where other conventional methods don't work, but for the most part sales are as good as the managed care coverage, price, and overall access to the patients. Marketing and management are to blame when things go wrong because they are there to ensure a successful growth strategy comes to fruition. The reps can only spew out the facts about price and coverage. Trying to MacGyver sales and coverage at the rep level leads to failure 100% of the time. Reality is that this ship has sailed. Use your losses for tax purposes and invest in some real winners.

Unlike you fucknuts, I don’t work at this shitty company. I’m just wondering if you monkeys are ever going to DO YOUR JOBS and increase sales so the stock can go up, preferably higher than 5 MEASLY DOLLARS!

You're a douchebag. I mean a tremendous douchebag. In the dictionary, beside the word douchebag, there is a picture of you.

Get a life.