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340B Impact-Women's Health


This is going to have a significant impact on our business with Mirena. I am already noticing that corporate is down playing the magnitude of this. 340B accounts losing eligibility will have a direct impact on achieving our quota's this year for those of us that have accounts that have been impacted by these changes. 25% of my business is 340B, and all but two of my accounts have lost eligibility. We have no control over this!

I am in the Mid West, but am curious how this is impacting others across the nation?


This is going to have a significant impact on our business with Mirena. I am already noticing that corporate is down playing the magnitude of this. 340B accounts losing eligibility will have a direct impact on achieving our quota's this year for those of us that have accounts that have been impacted by these changes. 25% of my business is 340B, and all but two of my accounts have lost eligibility. We have no control over this!

I am in the Mid West, but am curious how this is impacting others across the nation?

340B pricing is not a new concept and why would your territory now change by 25%? Did the indigent make up of the territory change? If they can't purchase off 340B, maybe they have to buy off another pricing schedule (which would clearly help your territory). Also, assume if they are now non eligible for 340B pricing, that is for all products not just yours.

This is going to have a significant impact on our business with Mirena. I am already noticing that corporate is down playing the magnitude of this. 340B accounts losing eligibility will have a direct impact on achieving our quota's this year for those of us that have accounts that have been impacted by these changes. 25% of my business is 340B, and all but two of my accounts have lost eligibility. We have no control over this!

I am in the Mid West, but am curious how this is impacting others across the nation?

Why don't you worry about something important, or better yet, just get out and work and stop posting crap on CP.

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