33% Reduction in Field Force by Jan. 2014

Anything may happen. Right now there are many competitive reps out there. If Merck downsizes the salesforce near that 33% number, Market share and sales will plummet. Just look at the multiple reps promoting the same product from the same companies promoting against Merck. Doctors respond to that. It is blow to blow in the field. If you are a rep in the field you quickly understand that. It will cost Merck more in lost sales and share than the cost savings by cutting the field force.

I echo the other poster's observation that we have (young) idiots at the HQ. the share of voice concept was tested big time by Gilmartin and Co. plus other drug companies and failed. Physicians were pissed off and doors closed. Now this Einstein is telling us we should have as many reps as other companies. Yeah, how many companies are still out there with three or four reps promoting the same products since all having been downsizing.

not what the market research shows. Enjoy the layoff and I will enjoy laying you..off

Autopilot is the way of the future? Don't think its will work..

The buzz of the worker bees is most of the peon s1,2 reps are in the bucket for any layoffs....Oh, a few think only the LERs will be kept since a wave of new ones got a lift this year. Everyone is thinking maybe they'll get a dispensation of sorts..No lucky dice, no rabbit in the hat found yet but ...we're looking.

This will occur over the next 6 months and will be completed by 2014.

Most, if not all divisions will be affected. HSC's will also be highly affected.

Merck will streamline executive level positions and reduce redundant positions, ie; DCO and Executive Director of Sales....only need one person in that role!

This will start in a few weeks in July and slowly progress into Q4.

Severance is not great, but OK. Please have your resumes updated, as there really is no safe division to be in right now.

This reduction will not only affect those with poor sales performance, but also those in rural areas who will not relocate.

This a serious post from someone internal who actually cares about people within this organization. I am an 18 year employee at Merck, and this is the worst feeling I have ever had about this company!

The moral at HQ is horrible and it all stems from Januvia and Victrellis, but all will feel the pain shortly.

Good luck to you all.

First and foremost, thank you OP for giving us all the heads up. From what I've seen this past week, I do believe what you say here is true.

Could you please clarify your comment above about streamlining DCOs and Executive Director of Sales? DCOs are officially titled as "director of sales" and CTLs (managers) are officially titled as "Associate Director of Sales" --who are these Executive Directors of Sales????? (The people above DCOs are VP's.) I just don't understand who is being affected here.

Thank you for the information, and please update us when you can.

First and foremost, thank you OP for giving us all the heads up. From what I've seen this past week, I do believe what you say here is true.

Could you please clarify your comment above about streamlining DCOs and Executive Director of Sales? DCOs are officially titled as "director of sales" and CTLs (managers) are officially titled as "Associate Director of Sales" --who are these Executive Directors of Sales????? (The people above DCOs are VP's.) I just don't understand who is being affected here.

Thank you for the information, and please update us when you can.

Blah Blah Blah...more re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic...nothing changes at Merck...the lousy management ranks get new titles, keep their bloated pay and stock options, and everyone below them gets screwed..what changes??

Management at Merck remains basically untouchable...a few sleepless nights for a bunch of those creeps, but basically they get to ride their nice compensation to retirement, and reps get to have constant anxiety about keeping food on the table and a roof over their heads...


All these threads by "insiders" giving us the advance notice. So kind of them.

If you have not seen the end of Merck at least a decade or more ago and have been planning,, career-wise and financially, you are doomed.

Those of us who have been planning all along, darn, too bad it is happening and now have to switch to Plan B sooner. Sweat just a tad but everything should be okay.

Those who have not, best wishes to you.

All these threads by "insiders" giving us the advance notice. So kind of them.

If you have not seen the end of Merck at least a decade or more ago and have been planning,, career-wise and financially, you are doomed.

Those of us who have been planning all along, darn, too bad it is happening and now have to switch to Plan B sooner. Sweat just a tad but everything should be okay.

Those who have not, best wishes to you.

Downsizing will be triggered by the final version of the Affordable Care Act... My thought in the Vaccine World, only my thoughts.